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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blu-ray could be the next UMD, says MS

Garcian Smith said:
The next DVD-like format will be whatever comes after Blu-Ray. As of right now, Blu-Ray is the next LaserDisc/SACD/UMD.



BluRay has already outpaced those formats pretty clearly.

MS already burned its FUD allowance by claiming earlier that Blu-Ray would be the next Betamax.  Oh, clever, they've picked another format to compare it to.  MS: you lost and cost Toshiba billions and your codecs are not in use in HD media in the living room!!!! aHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Universal is now hard at work with the Blu-Ray transfers, which are higher quality than their earlier HD-DVD ones.  Why don't we ask f-ing Universal Pictures if Blu-Ray has a future, huh people?

Blu-Ray isn't going anywhere.  10% of people on Netflix already rent Blu-Ray, sales are pretty good, and the numbers will keep increasing as standalone prices drop and more PS3s get out there.  The recession (thanks, lack-of-oversight-during-6-years-of-unified-Republican-rule) will doubtless slow adoption a bit.  Oh well.

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you guys have got to realise that microsoft have a direction, and they need to follow it, which is digital distribution, and they have to play down anything competing with it, which is blu-ray. otherwise, what's the point?

only thing is, i think that sony have taken digital distribution much more seriously than microsoft. they offer full current, and past gen games to download. the capacity in each and every console to do so, they also offer movies and tv shows.

So if the future is digital download.
Where exactly on live can I download full priced 360 retail games ?

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

ssj12 said:
omg Sony lowered the amount of movie content at their booth for games at a game convention.. I would never have imagined.

LOL thats the best way to put it, but another user made a good point regarding choices.

i belive sony has the best choices for a movie watcher

high def bluray - movie rental and downloads - dvd`s

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

More MS spin.

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you can get full games a psn but none on xbl so why ms dont allow full games on xbl if the futur is digital download, also if you don't have at least a 1meg/s download speed downloading future movies will be fucking long

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

I agree with him that the premium prices of the players and the movies have to go. But I certainly hope he's wrong about MS planning to release a 360 add-on... I like HD movies.

ssj12 said:
omg Sony lowered the amount of movie content at their booth for games at a game convention.. I would never have imagined.


Was this Microsoft guy the same one that cricized Sony for showing blu ray movies and not having enough games?  Now Sony has a kick ass line up of games that they are showing off and he is criticizing them for showing off the games and not the movies?  WTF?

Skeeuk said:
ssj12 said:
omg Sony lowered the amount of movie content at their booth for games at a game convention.. I would never have imagined.

LOL thats the best way to put it, but another user made a good point regarding choices.

i belive sony has the best choices for a movie watcher

high def bluray - movie rental and downloads - dvd`s

LOL ! What the hell ! haha XD that truck is massive win ! .. a loltruck !


Check out my game about moles ^

Honestly, I see it as more of a "next laserdisc" then "next UMD". It doesn't offer enough over the dominant format for most people to care (and for many to even perceive), and so it'll become a niche format for technophiles.

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