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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blu-ray could be the next UMD, says MS

TheRealMafoo said:
Domicinator said:

What does Vista have to do with anything?


You said "But I have never seen a single console generate such absolute jerk hole moron fanboys. "

Vista is not a console, but it generates the most jerk hole moron fanboys I have ever seen. Far worse then consoles.

I guess what bothers me about it, is while Console fanboys can be very annoying, at least each console has its pluses. I can see why people like each.

Forget about OSX, Windows XP blows Vista away. When MS releases an OS that can't even beat it's predecessor, and then Fanboys go on and on about it... it just makes me wonder what's wrong with the world.


Again, why are you talking about Windows?  And do you really want to get into this?  Because Apple users are just as bad.  Often worse.  Almost as if they think the shiny white plastic Macbooks are made on Mt. Olympus while all of the uneducated, less sophisticated computer users are just fumbling around in the dark.  And to me, you have just about as much credibility as the guy who doesn't own a PS3.  You bash on Windows and promote OSX quite often, yet you have a Crysis: Warhead picture on your profile.  And then you bring your crackpot politics in on it to top it all off.  You're every bit as bad as all the rest of them.

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Domicinator said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Domicinator said:

What does Vista have to do with anything?


You said "But I have never seen a single console generate such absolute jerk hole moron fanboys. "

Vista is not a console, but it generates the most jerk hole moron fanboys I have ever seen. Far worse then consoles.

I guess what bothers me about it, is while Console fanboys can be very annoying, at least each console has its pluses. I can see why people like each.

Forget about OSX, Windows XP blows Vista away. When MS releases an OS that can't even beat it's predecessor, and then Fanboys go on and on about it... it just makes me wonder what's wrong with the world.


Again, why are you talking about Windows?  And do you really want to get into this?  Because Apple users are just as bad.  Often worse.  Almost as if they think the shiny white plastic Macbooks are made on Mt. Olympus while all of the uneducated, less sophisticated computer users are just fumbling around in the dark.  And to me, you have just about as much credibility as the guy who doesn't own a PS3.  You bash on Windows and promote OSX quite often, yet you have a Crysis: Warhead picture on your profile.  And then you bring your crackpot politics in on it to top it all off.  You're every bit as bad as all the rest of them.


Thanks for proving my point. I have a Crysis Warhead pic because I love that game. I play it on my now XP rig (it had Vista Ultimate on it, but I blew it away for a better OS).

I often express how great OSX is, because it's a great OS. I happen to have 5 computers in my house. 3 Windows Machines, and 2 Mac's. I use each for what they are best at.

I have all three consoles as well. I am not a fanboy, I am a consumer who understands what makes a product great, and not someone to touts some corporate bullshit and say the thing I bought is better they what you bought just because I bought it.

The kind of guy who says bullshit remarks like "Almost as if they think the shiny white plastic Macbooks are made on Mt. Olympus while all of the uneducated, less sophisticated computer users are just fumbling around in the dark" has no business calling anyone a 12 year old uneducated fanboy.

Your an idiot. Stop acting like you're somehow better then 90% of the people on this site.

Oh, and by the way, I can say that without getting pissed off, because unlike you, what other people say on the internet does not affect my self confidence. Grow up :)

KylieDog said:
Can't be bothered reading thread, so this may have been brought up...

Digital will never be the future. Too many people require a physical purchase, something they can look at, something they can touch, something they can wrap up and put under the christmas tree, and so on.

There will always be a physical format.

People said the same thing about music, but that has gone heavily in the direction of digital distribution.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Garcian Smith said:
The next DVD-like format will be whatever comes after Blu-Ray. As of right now, Blu-Ray is the next LaserDisc/SACD/UMD.


As of right now, you are a little confused. You seem to be thinking of HD-DVD.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

TheRealMafoo said:
MikeB said:

@ TheRealMafoo

Bush did a worse job as president then Clinton, there is no question. The Government is worse off due to Bush. But Clinton, in an attempted to stop the growing gap of rich vs poor, tried to grow wealth for the poor with sub prime lending. H[

I don't quite agree with your perspective. Bill Clinton left office leaving the country in a supremely healthy state.

The bulk of those defaulting on their mortgages are the ones who bought houses after he left office. The Bush administration turned huge surpluses into amazing debts, the general market is in a bad shape.

It's the government's responsibility to act accordingly. Clinton did his best to improve things by using resources which were readily available at the time. Due to bad policies the economy weakened, the Bush administrated failed to react on this and made matters even far worse.

It's all about timing, adapt to the current state of affairs. IMO it is impossible to blame an ex-president from a decade ago for problems created in recent years by the Bush administration.

For example if I have 1 million in cash and you have nothing, it's OK for me to lent you a couple of thousand bucks. But if I lent 1 million to other people and need to lent money myself to lent you some money, that's a very stupid concept. Times change and you will have to adapt to new situations, which clearly the Bush administration failed to do. They leave a lot of a mess for any new government to fix and it will be hard.


 I only said Clinton did these things, because he said he did.

The question is at 3:19.


What he stated here fully reflects on what I stated above, funny as it's the first time I saw this video.

He basically stated they had the resources and ability to so at the time without risk, fast forward a decade and that's no longer the case. The Bush adminstration got rid of the needed resources and conditions, as well as making very risky decisions.

In some countries they have free healthcare for all their people. If you have the resources to do so, that's a good thing. However if the conditions change, this great public service may need to be adapted.

As for your other comments towards others participating in this thread please quit the personal insults, it doesn't help this discussion (with regard to movie formats and gaming consoles, in other words simply entertainment devices!) and IMO reflects badly mostly on yourself.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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Is Microsoft's comments on blu-ray worth taking in account? Really? REALLY?

Had blu-ray's fate been that clear, Microsoft wouldn't have investited so much money in this technological war ...

Now, with HD-DVD gone, what can MS do to undermine its future? Spreading his "honest" opinion about it, no? ^ ^

theRepublic said:
KylieDog said:
Can't be bothered reading thread, so this may have been brought up...

Digital will never be the future. Too many people require a physical purchase, something they can look at, something they can touch, something they can wrap up and put under the christmas tree, and so on.

There will always be a physical format.

People said the same thing about music, but that has gone heavily in the direction of digital distribution.

I never did.

MP3s are IMO with regard to music like what fast food is compared to restaurants and food in general. MP3s and other audio formats are very small and of decent enough quality, ideal for very small devices (CDs are huge, multiple times bigger than a MP3 playback device including a normal cellphone) to take with you and easy to download. Of course Blu-Ray disc as well as DVD is receiving a lot of competition from illegal downloads just like the music industry.

Movies are different as they need a display, the smaller the portable display the less enjoyment the bulk of people get out of it. Blu-Ray disc is primarily targeted at the home theatre with HDTVs, sure it's nice to have Blu-Ray support on a laptop, being able to take with you your home content but from a video and audio quality perspective most laptops provide too small screens and often relatively sucky audio (simple earphones don't require 7.1 lossless audio and there are too many distraction while on the road anyhow) to fully enjoy the benefits. No risk of disc scratching may be a better argument than added audio-visual quality in this regard.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:

What he stated here fully reflects on what I stated above, funny as it's the first time I saw this video.

He basically stated they had the resources and ability to so at the time without risk, fast forward a decade and that's no longer the case. The Bush adminstration got rid of the needed resources and conditions, as well as making very risky decisions.

In some countries they have free healthcare for all their people. If you have the resources to do so, that's a good thing. However if the conditions change, this great public service may need to be adapted.

As for your other comments towards others participating in this thread please quit the personal insults, it doesn't help this discussion (with regard to movie formats and gaming consoles, in other words simply entertainment devices!) and IMO reflects badly mostly on yourself.


I think Government is corrupt. I hope we can agree on that. The problem with starting any program, is there is no way to stop it in almost every case, until you run out of money. We never stop programs when it's a good idea to stop them. Lobbyist make sure that's the case. I never said it was not Bush's fault as well, I only stated that this problem started with the Clinton administration, and laying the blame on one administration is a little naive.

In a nutshell, Clinton's idea was that the government can basically co-sign on a loan for those that can't otherwise get one. We could afford it at the time, but I disagree with that philosophy. Also, doing so started making Fanny billions of dollars, and they lobbied the hell out of congress to keep the money flowing there direction.

As for your free healthcare comment, sorry, nothing is fee. It's not free for anyone who pays taxes. In other countries (particularly small ones), government might run efficient enough to make healthcare thought them viable. The US is no where close to that being the case.

As for my comments about the other guy, he pretty much went on a rant, and called 90% of the site users uneducated 12 year old fanboys. In all my time here on this site, I have yet to converse with more of a fanboy then him. I thought it was an odd thing to do (if you read some of his posts about Mac, you would think Steve Jobs ate his babies or something). Anyway, I wanted to stand up for the users of this site, and put him in his place.

Probably poor taste, but still fun :)

TheRealMafoo said:
This Tuesday Apple announces there new laptop line. Experts think Apple will announce that the new Mac's will come with Blu-ray drives.

When the #2 laptop manufacture in the world jumps on board, it doesn't sound like a dead format.


 Ops. Steve Jobs on BR and Mac's:

“Blu-ray is a bag of hurt. I don’t mean from the consumer point of view. It’s great to watch movies, but the licensing is so complex. We’re waiting until things settle down, and waiting until Blu-ray takes off before we burden our customers with the cost of licensing.”

TheRealMafoo said:
Snesboy said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:

The recession (thanks, lack-of-oversight-during-6-years-of-unified-Republican-rule) will doubtless slow adoption a bit.  Oh well.


Leave your sensationlist bullshit off of the Games Board and bitch in Off Topic. Thank you.


I don't mind the dig at the economy, i just wish he better understood the problem. The issue started with Carter, and then was really put into motion with sub prime lending by the Clinton Administration. All of what is in washington over the last 16 year is crap. But to single out one party is a little naive.

Honestly, the real blame is on the people of the US. We just don't care who we elect anymore.

No, subprime lending accelerated greatly under the Bush admin, and THIS is the period in which housing prices got red-hot as a result.  It was unsustainable and the bundling of the mortgages into "safe" investment vehicles, the lack of oversight thereof, and the fact that the administration allowed massive capital leveraging -- more than historical norms, if I recall -- led to the credit crises.

Further, the housing acts that encouraged lending to poorer people only applied to the big banks, while most of the subprime loans given during the 2000's were given by independent companies NOT prodded to do so by a government program.  The companies offered them because of the huge investment market for mortgage-backed securities.

Some seeds were sown earlier, yes, but we can see when the bloom happened.  It could have been nixed with better oversight, though.  Would Democrats have done better?  Don't know for sure.  But one party does tend to talk more of oversight, and one of the magic of the market.  We see where magic got us.

Hey SNES boy: bump.