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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blu-ray could be the next UMD, says MS

Microsoft should accept that the blu ray is succeding.

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ctk495 said:
Microsoft should accept that the blu ray is succeding.

I'm still skeptical about Blu-ray "winning" considering the small sales percentages over all (you wouldn't call someone winning in tennis if the score was 15 to match point against them), but I certainly hope it does (I have an LCD HDTV and love HD movies).

I think MS would do a lot to kill Blu-ray if they could.  Comparing it to UMD, however, isn't a very convincing argument for reasons that have been driven into the ground already.


crumas2 said:
ctk495 said:
Microsoft should accept that the blu ray is succeding.

I'm still skeptical about Blu-ray "winning" considering the small sales percentages over all (you wouldn't call someone winning in tennis if the score was 15 to match point against them), but I certainly hope it does (I have an LCD HDTV and love HD movies).

I think MS would do a lot to kill Blu-ray if they could.  Comparing it to UMD, however, isn't a very convincing argument for reasons that have been driven into the ground already.



Good point on MS.  I believe they only backed HD DVD as a spoiling bid intended to harm both HD DVD and BR by prolonging the format war, which they knew would slow adoption of any new HD media greatly allowing them more time to get a viable digital offering in place and encourage that market.


They'd love to see BR fail even though the studios (as evidenced byDisney's recent comments) want it to succeed.  At the end of the day the studios and Sony, Samsung, etc. want to cover both digital and physical.  MS, probably because in truth its a minor player in the physical market and gets little out of it, would prefer to push digital adoption and see physical marketshare shrink more rapidly than its likely to.


As for BR adoption, well, every new format starts at zero while the encumbant format is at 100%.  From what I gather, and allowing for blips from recent economic troubles, it seems to be gathering pace and marketshare at an acceptable rate - for example apparently 20% of Iron Man sales on US were BR, with 50% of online purchases favouring BR.  With Dark Knight, Indy 4, etc. still to come BR is going to see big gains now with each 'tentpole' movie release on BR, particularly if the studios start pushing the BR version over DVD by giving it better extras, etc.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

gera4390 said:
KylieDog said:
Can't be bothered reading thread, so this may have been brought up...

Digital will never be the future. Too many people require a physical purchase, something they can look at, something they can touch, something they can wrap up and put under the christmas tree, and so on.

There will always be a physical format.



I say the same. I'm happy with physical things.

Although I agree with you two about tangible media, and I strongly disagree with people predicting a full digital download medium term future, despite its impraticability for the majority of world poulation still for a very long time, the high enough number of fans of both solutions makes me think that the future will be coexistence of physical format and digital download, with neither of them prevailing due to the audience big enough to grant a comfortable survival of the other. Personally, I would choose digital download only for medium quality movies I'm 100% sure I'll be not willing to watch more than once and only paying a very small fraction of the cost of a disc.


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

@ Falcon095

That ain't matter, both companies had a plan and used their customers to make that plan work. MS had a good system with good games, acceptable price (don't remember the price, tough) and didn't force anyone to pay 100-150$ to watch HD movies, on the other hand Sony had a good system with almost no good games and forced you to pay 500-600$ to watch HD movies and play videogames. So in that point of view who's worst, the one that offers something that justify the price (mainly because it's cheaper) and gives you options or the one that offers something tha doesn't justify the price and don't give you options?

I think that's very shortsighted and a tunnel vision perspective. Various multi-platform devs have complained about the storage limitations of only 6.8 GB for XBox 360 dual layer DVDs.

The choice for a Blu-Ray drive is a correct decision for the long term potential of the PS3 with regard to gaming. More than 7 times the available space on a 50 GB PS3 Blu-Ray disc, ideal for very large games with lots of high quality graphics variety and even lossless 7.1 audio, constant predictable streaming speeds, great for optimizing data delivery especially in combination with the default harddrive (a la Uncharted: Drake's Fortune), no more disc scratch issues and a very low level noise production.

Blu-Ray disc is highly desirable from a gaming perspective for a high-end gaming system. Excellent Blu-Ray movie playback support is either an optional bonus someone may want to make use of now or in course of time or crucial to those who want an all in one multi-media solution. The drive costs far more than the included playback software.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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MikeB said:

@ Falcon095

That ain't matter, both companies had a plan and used their customers to make that plan work. MS had a good system with good games, acceptable price (don't remember the price, tough) and didn't force anyone to pay 100-150$ to watch HD movies, on the other hand Sony had a good system with almost no good games and forced you to pay 500-600$ to watch HD movies and play videogames. So in that point of view who's worst, the one that offers something that justify the price (mainly because it's cheaper) and gives you options or the one that offers something tha doesn't justify the price and don't give you options?

I think that's very shortsighted and a tunnel vision perspective. Various multi-platform devs have complained about the storage limitations of only 6.8 GB for XBox 360 dual layer DVDs.

The choice for a Blu-Ray drive is a correct decision for the long term potential of the PS3 with regard to gaming. More than 7 times the available space on a 50 GB PS3 Blu-Ray disc, ideal for very large games with lots of high quality graphics variety and even lossless 7.1 audio, constant predictable streaming speeds, great for optimizing data delivery especially in combination with the default harddrive (a la Uncharted: Drake's Fortune), no more disc scratch issues and a very low level noise production.

Blu-Ray disc is highly desirable from a gaming perspective for a high-end gaming system. Excellent Blu-Ray movie playback support is either an optional bonus someone may want to make use of now or in course of time or crucial to those who want an all in one multi-media solution. The drive costs far more than the included playback software.


You're definitely right on that.  It's nice to be able to fit a huge game all on one disc.  But for those of us who prefer the 360 over the PS3, how much of a pain is it REALLY to have to get up and switch discs once, maybe twice, over the course of the entire game?  Doesn't bother me one bit.  And if it does bother me, I can always chose to install the game on my hard drive.  The nice thing is that it's my choice.  I'm not required to install anything.

Ail said:
So if the future is digital download.
Where exactly on live can I download full priced 360 retail games ?


 360 version of Tomb Raider Anniversary?

UMD was never gonna work. Blu-ray is growing

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

KylieDog said:
Can't be bothered reading thread, so this may have been brought up...

Digital will never be the future. Too many people require a physical purchase, something they can look at, something they can touch, something they can wrap up and put under the christmas tree, and so on.

There will always be a physical format.

QFT. I prefer my games on discs rather than on my HD.


This Tuesday Apple announces there new laptop line. Experts think Apple will announce that the new Mac's will come with Blu-ray drives.

When the #2 laptop manufacture in the world jumps on board, it doesn't sound like a dead format.