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Domicinator said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Domicinator said:

What does Vista have to do with anything?


You said "But I have never seen a single console generate such absolute jerk hole moron fanboys. "

Vista is not a console, but it generates the most jerk hole moron fanboys I have ever seen. Far worse then consoles.

I guess what bothers me about it, is while Console fanboys can be very annoying, at least each console has its pluses. I can see why people like each.

Forget about OSX, Windows XP blows Vista away. When MS releases an OS that can't even beat it's predecessor, and then Fanboys go on and on about it... it just makes me wonder what's wrong with the world.


Again, why are you talking about Windows?  And do you really want to get into this?  Because Apple users are just as bad.  Often worse.  Almost as if they think the shiny white plastic Macbooks are made on Mt. Olympus while all of the uneducated, less sophisticated computer users are just fumbling around in the dark.  And to me, you have just about as much credibility as the guy who doesn't own a PS3.  You bash on Windows and promote OSX quite often, yet you have a Crysis: Warhead picture on your profile.  And then you bring your crackpot politics in on it to top it all off.  You're every bit as bad as all the rest of them.


Thanks for proving my point. I have a Crysis Warhead pic because I love that game. I play it on my now XP rig (it had Vista Ultimate on it, but I blew it away for a better OS).

I often express how great OSX is, because it's a great OS. I happen to have 5 computers in my house. 3 Windows Machines, and 2 Mac's. I use each for what they are best at.

I have all three consoles as well. I am not a fanboy, I am a consumer who understands what makes a product great, and not someone to touts some corporate bullshit and say the thing I bought is better they what you bought just because I bought it.

The kind of guy who says bullshit remarks like "Almost as if they think the shiny white plastic Macbooks are made on Mt. Olympus while all of the uneducated, less sophisticated computer users are just fumbling around in the dark" has no business calling anyone a 12 year old uneducated fanboy.

Your an idiot. Stop acting like you're somehow better then 90% of the people on this site.

Oh, and by the way, I can say that without getting pissed off, because unlike you, what other people say on the internet does not affect my self confidence. Grow up :)