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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo,Sony,Microsoft, whos next?

bdbdbd said:
@goddog: Like... Pippin? The problem is, that if you plan on releasing a gaming device, you need a first party to show direction. If the manufacturer isn't willing to support its own platform, it's unlikely that 3rd parties are going to put any serious effort to it. Just look how reluctant 3rd parties were to jump on board with DS and Wii, so it's very unlikely that they would jump on board with Apples platform.
And Apple isn't hardware company. Apple is hardware and software company.



the pippen was not just apples baby (looks at bandi), also that was before the return of jobs, notice the diference in company.

apple planed on selling the pippin to people who wanted to develop games for their own system but did not have a system. not market it as their baby.  so blame bandi

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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Acevil said:
EA console could be really strong. Wait if EA and Apple teamed up! Both are power hungry companies who release the same product year after year.


interesting idea, it would give both something they need, ea someone who has done well in hardware, and apple someone who has done well with software, but apple hs been bitten by this offer before, see post above.  but ea is stronger than bandi, but ea would need to convince more 3rd parties to use their system that might be hard

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:
Acevil said:
EA console could be really strong. Wait if EA and Apple teamed up! Both are power hungry companies who release the same product year after year.


interesting idea, it would give both something they need, ea someone who has done well in hardware, and apple someone who has done well with software, but apple hs been bitten by this offer before, see post above.  but ea is stronger than bandi, but ea would need to convince more 3rd parties to use their system that might be hard


Well EA could just start buying more companies. EA isn't hated by Japanese they can start building bridges in Japan. The only problem is Activision-Blizzard and Take-Two would most likely not work with EA. I am iffy on Ubisoft working with EA...because Ubisoft is very similar to EA.

Anyways EA with a partner would be dangerous combination. EA sports (as much as I hate it) is a powerful brand.


Google? They might :D

mibuokami said:
Google? They might :D


Hahahah,maybe even Coca-Cola!



Take my love, take my land..

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amp316 said:
WarmachineX said:
I think Sony's time in the video game business is nearing its end. If they croak then it will be someone elses turn to try out the video game industry. I can really see Apple getting into it; Sega would be great but I really doubt it.

No way!  Sony is not almost out of the video game industry.  Not dominating for one generation is not going to make them leave.  They will take a deep breath, step back, and evaluate the situation.  Then they will take whatever course of action they feel is necessary.  I'm pretty sure that they won't make most of the same mistakes with the PS4 that they made with the PS3. 

1. Not too long ago people were saying these things about Nintendo.  Now look how they are doing.


I'm not saying that Sony will return to dominance next generation but stranger things have happened.  I think that they will learn from many of their mistakes.


@ OP.  2. If anyone is going to enter the race it would be Apple just to spite Microsoft.



1. True, but Nintendo still made a couple of billion dollars in profit on the Gamecube.  Thus far, Sony's been working themselves to the bone to find ways of reducing losses.  I'm not saying I agree with Warmachine, but it's definitely at aleast a slight possibility.

2. What a vengeful industry we would have, then!  Out of four competitors, three would have entered simply to stop up one of the others!


Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

apple and sega... maybe toyota(kidding)

@goddog: Yeah, Pippin wasn't supposed to be a gaming platform. Still it was perceived as one. It even had a few games.
In any case, you are suggesting the way Pippin came into the market, to be used in the new console aswell.

@Acevil: Well, EA isn't going to hit hardware market either. If you look at their financials, you'll notice that they really can't afford one at the moment. Besides, EA has too much in stake, with their multi-billion franchises, in case of the console failing, their franchises would go down in value, meaning that their familiarity would suffer. Also, a number of their sports franchises are multiplatform because of license requirements, and the ones that aren't, would have a competition on rival platforms, losing their position even further. In any case, EA is successfull largely because of their multiplatform strategy, which gives them more power in the industry, than most people wants to think.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Truth is the biggest game developing companies like bungie, valve, EA, would not because they are companies that believe in either multiplats, or wide distribution.

Other than that if you have no 1st party support you are screwed.

After MS venture into the foray many companies are scared shitless by even thinking of the console market. MS has barely made anything in 7 or so years and they HAVE HAD 1st party support for many many years and have software brandname.

The ONLY possible way would be if a massive wealth bought out many game devs.
Or, with major mod community backing. Something like

FYI: There are other consoles on the market other than ps3,wii,360. You just don't know about them because that is how hard it is to compete with the big boys.

Sony's time is nearing an end? That made me chuckle.

Apple won't do it. They'll go bankrupt if they do, or become the laughing stock of the tech world when they fold out at the halfway point of their first consoles life.

I highly doubt you'll see a 4th contender in this war. There isn't room for it, and I don't see the big 3 going anywhere anytime soon.