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I havent read all the posts above, just yours, but, if someone said this before sorry. I think than you choice the BEST psp games against one of the best ds (nsmb) and one bad game like that ff. There are tons of games better RPGs games, like ff iv, The world ends with you (my favorite ds game, you must play it) FFCC: RoF. Other games like Zelda and castlevania are great games.

For me, a portable system dont need to have an amazing graphics, if i want to play a game with awesome gaphics, just play 360 or ps3. Like tha name say "portable" games like n+, picross, space invaders extreme, contra 4, mario kart Ds, both castlevania games (and the one coming soon) are perfect for portable system, but, thats just my opinnion

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation

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You've played the wrong games for the console. If I said "PS3 >>>> 360" because I played Too Human and MGS4, you'd call me a n00b and you'd be right, sir. When you know your opinion is incomplete, you might not want to make a controversial topic about it.

As for my opinion, both are fine consoles, and the DS has a better library.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


starcraft said:

I'd like to start by making the preface that this is an opinion thread.  MY opinion in this thread will not gel with the majority opinion of members of this site.  Feel free to post alternate opinions to my own, and to point out why mine may be incorrect, but leave personal attacks out of it please.

I picked up a DS Lite a few months back for an extremely cheap price.  My gaming time of late has been limited (along with my VGC post count) due to University and work.  As such, I was hoping to add some portable gaming into the mix to supplement my gaming hobby at times when I would otherwise be doing nothing such as train trips etc.

I picked it up with FFXII: Revenant Wings and New Super Mario Brothers, and have played a few other titles intermittently.  I'd like to acknowledge right now that this means I have barely scratched the surface of the DS's library, and this is a preliminary opinion piece only.  Whilst I am not implying that the DS is a poor form of entertainment, it has not grabbed me to nearly the extent I believed it would.  I find it's RPG's difficult to get into, it holds little allure as a form of entertainment beyond that of convenience and it overall would not have been worth it had I paid full price for the console.  Indeed, the reason I got it so cheap is because the person I bought it from (an ex-girlfriend) got bored with it very quickly.

New Super Mario Bros is easily the best game I have played on the console, and I will say that I have enjoyed it a lot.  That said, it is a classic Mario platformer and not enjoying it really would be the final straw.  Even saying this, the title hasn't grabbed me as I thought it would.  It occured to me that perhaps I just don't like portable gaming, but this holds little water as I still play Pokemon and Jurassic Park on my old Gameboy Pocket.

But last week I got the pleasure of borrowing my friend's PSP.  With it, I got FFVII: Crisis Core and GoW: CoO.  This my friends, is what portable gaming is supposed to be.  An epic experience that fits in your pocket.  I found the console to be aesthetically far more pleasing, and better controlled.  I'm giving serious thought to purchasing one of my own.  From my admittedely limited software experience with each console, I must say that I find the PSP to be FAR superior for my own tastes.  Some may call me a graphics whore as I own the most proven graphically-enabled console to date (Xbox 360), but as I said, I still play my Gameboy, and I also still play my Nintendo 64.

I'm am severely tempted to sell the DS, but I am looking to rent The World Ends With You and thinking of waiting for Chrono Trigger.  If those two titles can't save my perception of the console, nothing will.

so you do have a ps3.. well whataya know.


As for the handhelds the psp is far superior.. in my opinion. But i like my devices to do more than just 1 thing.


Check out my game about moles ^

i recently bought my son a turquise ds with digs2 and cars.

it was so bollox that even my 6yer old hates it.

we traded the titles in to find something easy for him to play like burnout and tamagochi! both were delapetated.

NEVER BUY BURNOUT on ds its pig awfull.

theres only a handful of games on it like the ninty ones, all the rest are rubbish, it amazes me why ppl buy it so much.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

makingmusic476 said:
outlawauron said:
makingmusic476 said:
Before making a thread like this, at least play more games on the system.

I'd personally recommend Pokemon Diamond, Prof. Layton, and Phantom Hourglass (weak for a Zelda game, but amazing nonetheless).

I need to get a PSP one of these days...

Indeed you do naz! I love my PSP so much! I just got a pandora's battery and BOOM! I now have to access to all those obscure Japan-only PSP games. It's really marvelous.


What. The. Fuck.

Eh, sorry about that John. I apologize. I was looking at naznatips's avatar and just typed. Sorry about that........

@ lemmewinks

I said what he said b/c I called him naz, not for not knowing the basics of cfw.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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starcraft said:
makingmusic476 said:
|_emmiwinks said:
makingmusic476 said:
outlawauron said:
makingmusic476 said:
Before making a thread like this, at least play more games on the system.

I'd personally recommend Pokemon Diamond, Prof. Layton, and Phantom Hourglass (weak for a Zelda game, but amazing nonetheless).

I need to get a PSP one of these days...

Indeed you do naz! I love my PSP so much! I just got a pandora's battery and BOOM! I now have to access to all those obscure Japan-only PSP games. It's really marvelous.


What. The. Fuck.


Im not sure what you are unsure about, but I'll try to hit some points.

A Pandora's battery is a battery that you mod so that you can then edit the PSP's OS to accept Firmware not made by Sony. once you do that it can be used for virtually anything you can think of. I personally have a few hundred Genesis, NES, SNES, GB, GBA and Playstation 1 games on mine. Also you can break the region lock, so you can play games from where ever you want.

On topic, for once Starcraft, we agree on something. Objectively, if you took the high quality games from both systems you would be looking at roughly the same number of games. The DS has hundreds and hundreds of more games, but only a small percentage are more than a week long play through before you forget it, the PSP on the other hand, being a higher risk console to develop for, only gets games that the developer thinks will succeed (Or are made by Activision).

The plus of course comes from games on the PSP have far more power to play with and a more diverse OS to operate under. So a great game on the PSP can be as good in meat as a DS game, and look better to boot.

Six of my friends own DS's, and they all have a good cross section of games for those systems, and I am the only one with a PSP. I've played on all their systems and their games, and they have all played my PSP. While the time with their DS's has only solidified by decision to not get a DS, they have all left saying that they want to trade in the DS for a PSP.

It can browse the net, listen to internet radio, make phone calls (if you have the PSP lite) play music, play movies, display pictures, take pictures (if you have the camera add on), be a GPS device (if you have the add on) and oh right, it can play games. With some mods it can play alot of games.

The DS can play games and let you get into penis drawing competitions over the pictochat. Or you can wait for the DSi to come out, and loose the GBA slot and get a 300,000 pixel camera...

However, I have to take issue with the 360 comment. Its obvious that the 3DO has the best graphics still.

Look at the bold, italicized, and underlined word in my quote of Outlaw's post.

Then look at my name.

Over a year here, a mod and everything, and people still don't care who you are.


I know who he is! It was just a mistake!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

In comes the bias train choo choo!

Skeeuk said:

i recently bought my son a turquise ds with digs2 and cars.

it was so bollox that even my 6yer old hates it.

we traded the titles in to find something easy for him to play like burnout and tamagochi! both were delapetated.

NEVER BUY BURNOUT on ds its pig awfull.

theres only a handful of games on it like the ninty ones, all the rest are rubbish, it amazes me why ppl buy it so much.

Beautifully put. It's nice to know how after all of your time on this site, you are still hopeless uninformed as a gamer. The fair shake you gave the DS, and the stigma you put on your 6 year old in regards to it would be the equivalent of me buying a PS3 for Gundam Crossfire and Lair, only to realize how much they suck so I trade them up for Haze and Super Rub a Dub.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

starcraft said:
tabsina said:

other than this post, i don't get why this thread is in existance

what exactly are we supposed to discuss to make it thread worthy? i'm actually asking

I gave an opinion, people are discussing it's merits and their own opinions.


WOW! This really makes you sound like an egomaniac :) No offense intended.

Starcraft. I can see why you dislike the DS if you want to play games like God of War or Final Fantasy Crisis Core. It's simply not the kind of games that I would think that the DS are strong in. Myself I love most of the games I have on my DS, but they are all radically different from what I'd play on my PS2. If you want that kind of experience, the DS only have a few games that try to emulate it, and they are most definatly not among the best on the system.

 The whole reason the DS is succesful is because it offers a different experience. It's simply not exchangable with a PSP. Whatever you decide to do with your DS, make sure you try The World Ends With You and Phoenix Wright before you make up your mind. And if you're a fan of crazy japanese stuff and rythm games you should try Elite Beat Agents. These are all high quality games that you should try, and unique in different ways. I'm not saying you'll like them, just that you should try them. Borrow from friends or rent if you are unsure if you want to keep your DS.

Have fun, friend.

This is invisible text!

Starcraft you really are a sneaky person! Turning Nintendo and Sony fans against each other. Eliminating the competition by getting them to fight themselves! I am onto you!

(I am on your side)