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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - THE Naruto game coming for the Wii!

WOW I got translations for the latest scans..

the crisis mode is called senzai ninriki: awakened nin(ja) power!

Neji will auto-kaiten weapons, Shikamaru get's explosive tags, Orochimaru will block with Rashoumon, Asuma will cut through defense!

wow...also...the storymode will have an 'original' storyline (aka filler story)

just like Bleach on the Wii and CoN Rev2


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deathcape said:
UNS has nothing on this game..huh XDD

still old characters..and just pretty looking...

hmm..I prefer good gameplay over good looks.. ^^''


 Just pretty looking? I think the great mayority of gamers and naruto fans agree with me that UNS has better gameplay and better animation, and sorry if I ofend you but I dont see what is so great about the gameplay that blows away UNS, and Ive read your posts and  IMO it seems you like bashing UNS.


0.0...I don't bash....I dont get hyped..that's it...look at how Path of a Ninja turned out...nothing special..and I'[m not expectying anything from this

if you watch vids you won't's a game..not a movie!

this is why you UNS fans haven't played much yet

after you've played the GNT 3, 4 or ex...THEN you can tell me it sucks or not

hah! new info..Senzai Ninriki's confirmed:



Naruto has unlimited Kage chakra depletion!

Orochimaru uses Rashoumon at HIGH SPEED also: costs 25% chakra and gains 20 upon hit

Sakura auto-heals at fast speed too...damn...great!

I'm a bit confused,is this Naruto:Revolution 2(or whatever it's called)?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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I't Naruto Gekiout Ninja Taisen EX 3

so..Naruto Fighting Ninja Wars..(Clash of Ninja in japan)

the EX shippuuden, after the time skip ^_~


deathcape said:
0.0...I don't bash....I dont get hyped..that's it...look at how Path of a Ninja turned out...nothing special..and I'[m not expectying anything from this

if you watch vids you won't's a game..not a movie!

this is why you UNS fans haven't played much yet

after you've played the GNT 3, 4 or ex...THEN you can tell me it sucks or not

If they are similar to clash of ninja revolution I can tell you they fail compared to the UN series, and the UN series gameplay is pretty bad compared to UNS at least from what I played in the demo, and besides that it has awesome graphics and animation(which is the most important thing in the visual part and helps gameplay).

Naruto games(and anime in general) are usually bad, but Im glad UNS is an exception. I respect that you feel this new game is great, but you are saying things like UNS just has the better visuals and shallow gameplay and how it fails.

Oh, and even if its not a movie, its a VIDEOgame, or else we would be playing naruto outside like kids if  gameplay is the only thing that matters(graphics help gameplay many times). Thats one of the reasons we can judge by videos(Oh, and u are the one posting videos saying how good the game is, so I guess we can judge by videos)



mhm I say you can kind of get a feel by seeing the videos..the feel in the pace of the game..but without knowing finer details about gameplay you can't say anything yet

but graphics aren't everything..honestly I still like the style of this game more than UN while UNS has the best graphics..not style.but level

I think the whole UNS gameplay is an awesome idea..same with Rise of a Ninja..and I can tell you about both...

the idea is great, but the execution is not..and I can say this from the point of view of a Naruto fan..

I want a Naruto experience XDD and I understand the huge majority of PS3 fans go to this site...

but sales wise..CoN sells better and is played in tourneys more than UN or UNS will be

I don't expect UNS to sell amazingly well..look at RoaN

same concept..except 2d fighting..same here *shrugs* but ya know

hyped people can't see further I forgive you

deathcape said:
mhm I say you can kind of get a feel by seeing the videos..the feel in the pace of the game..but without knowing finer details about gameplay you can't say anything yet

but graphics aren't everything..honestly I still like the style of this game more than UN while UNS has the best graphics..not style.but level

I think the whole UNS gameplay is an awesome idea..same with Rise of a Ninja..and I can tell you about both...

the idea is great, but the execution is not..and I can say this from the point of view of a Naruto fan..

I want a Naruto experience XDD and I understand the huge majority of PS3 fans go to this site...

but sales wise..CoN sells better and is played in tourneys more than UN or UNS will be

I don't expect UNS to sell amazingly well..look at RoaN

same concept..except 2d fighting..same here *shrugs* but ya know

hyped people can't see further I forgive you

1. I didnt say graphics are everyting and I dont think that. You may think UNS doesnt have better style of animation, but I say its the best. Animation from this game was taken from the best animated episodes of the series, if you play it you can see animation really similar to the one used in the fight between naruto and sasuke(which is frankly, with Lee vs Gaara and some others, one of the few times this series had great animation in a episode).

2. I see  how RoaN failed in the execution, but I still cant see how UNS did.

3. I dont care if it sells better or worse, Shadow of the colossus is maybe the game I played last gen and it didntsell well, nor do I care about naruto fans playing it at naruto tournaments and those things, as long as I play the better game in m house Im fine with it.

4. I cant see how Im more hyped  about UNS than you are about your game, so I guess hyped people cant see further.


niiice, should sell well with not alot of wii games out there... hopefully:P