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mhm I say you can kind of get a feel by seeing the videos..the feel in the pace of the game..but without knowing finer details about gameplay you can't say anything yet

but graphics aren't everything..honestly I still like the style of this game more than UN while UNS has the best graphics..not style.but level

I think the whole UNS gameplay is an awesome idea..same with Rise of a Ninja..and I can tell you about both...

the idea is great, but the execution is not..and I can say this from the point of view of a Naruto fan..

I want a Naruto experience XDD and I understand the huge majority of PS3 fans go to this site...

but sales wise..CoN sells better and is played in tourneys more than UN or UNS will be

I don't expect UNS to sell amazingly well..look at RoaN

same concept..except 2d fighting..same here *shrugs* but ya know

hyped people can't see further I forgive you