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Forums - Sales Discussion - ... And there it is. Mario Kart Wii just caught up to Halo 3.

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Roma said:
You telling me there was a competition between them?

Uh, yeah? Halo 3 was the best seller of this generation(on one console, that is) for almost a year, so, yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.


 nä men titta en svensk kille :) nä men spelet kommer sälja som fan medan Halo 3 kommer vara under 9m ;)

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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The question is how much can MKWii sell this gen?

Roma said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Roma said:
You telling me there was a competition between them?

Uh, yeah? Halo 3 was the best seller of this generation(on one console, that is) for almost a year, so, yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.


nä men titta en svensk kille :) nä men spelet kommer sälja som fan medan Halo 3 kommer vara under 9m ;)

Haha shit, märkte inte att du var svensk med ;D Mm, det är sant. Halo 3 kommer knappast gå över 9m, men MK Wii kommer lätt gå över 10, kanske typ till 15... helt sjukt :P

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Roma said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Roma said:
You telling me there was a competition between them?

Uh, yeah? Halo 3 was the best seller of this generation(on one console, that is) for almost a year, so, yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.


nä men titta en svensk kille :) nä men spelet kommer sälja som fan medan Halo 3 kommer vara under 9m ;)

Haha shit, märkte inte att du var svensk med ;D Mm, det är sant. Halo 3 kommer knappast gå över 9m, men MK Wii kommer lätt gå över 10, kanske typ till 15... helt sjukt :P


 jo sant, håller med om att spelet når nått vid 15m ;)

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

woops! double post

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Around the Network

Yep even GTA4 will fall to mario Kart - As i originally stated when people were hyping the GTA4 game and predicting the fall of the Wii even though mario Kart arrived at the same time.

Sure niko belic may have appear to have the upper hand at the time with his knowledge of rocket launchers and handguns and links with underworld figures -  many people placed their money on him defeating mario and the Wii. 

But mario is gonna kick his ass big time this Xmas - if i was Niko i would be investing heavily in medical insurance cause mario is gonna land a huge knockout punch soon hehehe Mario Kart on Wii will outsell the combined PS3 and X360 sales for GTA4.

Mario kart is a great game. I will be getting the nearest thing to it Motorstorm pacifica soon - though wipeout HD is nice too.


PS3 number 1 fan

I think the most apt metaphor here would be the use of the Blue Shell.

I have no such metaphor for what Wii Fit is about to do, however.

Khuutra said:
I think the most apt metaphor here would be the use of the Blue Shell.

I have no such metaphor for what Wii Fit is about to do, however.

probably something related to doing lunges or jackknife


Supernova82 said:
This was well expected to happen. I am surprised it has taken Mario Kart Wii half a year to reach 8 million sales. I would of expected Mario Kart Wii to have passed 8 million within 3 months.

Weakest spin ever.  lol @ Oyvoyvoy's sarcasm.


|_emmiwinks said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:

As of the latest US software numbers, MK wii is now tied with Halo 3. Considering how much MK Wii sells every week, it's going to boost right by and never look back come next week. What are your thoughts on this? Honestly, even after seeing the crazy legs MK Wii has had, I'm surprised. I never would've though it'd gain ground on this gen's #1 this quickly.


Still doesnt match Halo 3 on attach rate and install base. Call me when that happens. Its just as important as it selling as many units. :)



If I craft myself a custom gaming system and write my own game for it (a hacked copy of SMB called "FamousRingo is Way Cooler than Mario or Master Chief") do I get to brag about how my game has a 100% attach rate, despite having an install base of only one machine?

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.