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Yep even GTA4 will fall to mario Kart - As i originally stated when people were hyping the GTA4 game and predicting the fall of the Wii even though mario Kart arrived at the same time.

Sure niko belic may have appear to have the upper hand at the time with his knowledge of rocket launchers and handguns and links with underworld figures -  many people placed their money on him defeating mario and the Wii. 

But mario is gonna kick his ass big time this Xmas - if i was Niko i would be investing heavily in medical insurance cause mario is gonna land a huge knockout punch soon hehehe Mario Kart on Wii will outsell the combined PS3 and X360 sales for GTA4.

Mario kart is a great game. I will be getting the nearest thing to it Motorstorm pacifica soon - though wipeout HD is nice too.


PS3 number 1 fan