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Forums - Sony Discussion - Yet another "PS3's 10 year plan" thred.

i got nothen. still 10yr's for the price of games,consoles,and development cost to go down. cheaper games,faster development cycles,and more development for that console cause its cheaper to develop for it. there still might not be a xbox 3 until 2012 or 13. but when its easyer to develope for the console the more pub's dev's will flok to the console. (ps2 and wii as draw points for that statement. isn't that the reason the ps2 is still alive and being developed for?).

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theres some food for thought

Paul_Warren said:

Yes, but here's a new way of looking at it. If the Wii wins this console generation, going by past track record, Nintendo will still only release a console in the next generation that is comparable to the PS3  or 360 in power. So as long as the PS3 is getting good games and as long as big time movies are coming to blu-ray, then Sony doesn't have to release a new console until the generation after next. Especially if the Wii becomes the standard. Nintendo could still keep the Wii on the market without releasing a new console for a number of years (just look at the original Gameboy); however, eventually the Wii will reach market saturation and the PS3 will be able to be sold for only a fraction of its original cost thus generating much more sales for itself as well.

It is possible at this point in time that the only console line that is really prepping for a next gen is the xbox.


we actually have a few articals now that say sony wants to beat ms to the market next gen with the ps4, also it very silly to think that only one player is working on the next box, even before the wii/ps3/360 were out their replacments were being planed 


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A ten year plan is financial suicide for Sony right now with the PS3. its well known that it costed more to make a unit then they would make on them even when the price was $600. Now, $200 less, I really don't think its gonna be possible to turn a profit with the PS3 like they did with PS2 and PS1. Still, cheaper parts may make it less to manufacture in the long run, but in the long run also, the price will have to drop.

(Don't forget, Microsoft stated that the original Xbox was killing them due to the hard drive(correct me if I'm wrong) that made the console more expensive to manufacture then it did to sell for. Thats why they rushed the 360 out the door.)

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.


PS1: 1994 - 2004

Did it happen?? YES

PS2: 2000 - Still moving....

Did it happen?? It's doing it right now

PS3: 2006 - 2016

Did it happen?? It's here now....

The ps1 did it, the PS2 is doing it, the ps3 is just starting it.

SONY PR states that the ps3 will be around for 10 years, they never said it would be the main console for 10 years, it will follow the same LT of the ps1/2....


4 ≈ One

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Magera said:

I know there's been a gazillion topics about the 10 year plan of Sony's PS3 but I wanted to throw out a few thoughts I had as to why it "could" backfire on Sony ('could', not will).

Firstly, I am not trying to bash sony in any way.  These are just opinions and thoughts which have crossed my mind and thought they were rather valid.  I'm not saying the 10 year plan wont work as I'm very certain they will keep the PS3 alive for 10 years, much like the PS1 and PS2.  However, My question is:

Q. Is Sony going to release a new console before the PS3 has been on the market for 10 years.

A. I would say 'Yes'.  It would be foolish not to introduce a new system around the same time as, or at most a year later then their competitors for a number of reasons. 

a) Firstly, from a consumer perspective, the next generation of consoles from MS and Nintendo will make the PS3 seem like it is a last gen system. (Much like the PS2 is last Gen - I'll address this point shortly) - Only that there is no new system coming from Sony.  The graphical upgrade may not be huge or even much at all but to consumers, a product 5 years old is still 5 years old.  It will loose it's Sleek, and new feeling it currently has alongside the next gen consoles.

b) By 2012, the power of the Cell in the PS3 is going to be so insignificant that it will no longer be able to rely on its specs to push the system.  In fact, there are already CPU/GPU's available that blitz the Cell in the PS3... they will be hugely discounted and even obsolete themselves over the next 12 - 18 months so imagine the power in 3 and a half years from now and how cheap it will be, let alone in another 8 years.

c) By 2012, Stand alone BD players/recorders will be Cheap.  More then likely under $50 a pop for a player or $120 for a recorder. (You can already pick up models for under $200). This does not mean people will buy a PS3 for it's BD playing capabilities and play games on, Especially if the next gen systems come with BD players OR another medium which will more likely be the case.  Just like now, people are NOT buying the PS2 to watch DVD's on then just so happen to buy games for it.

d) The PS2 is at the tail end of it's life. Next year it will drop in sales even more and by early to mid 2010 we probably wont be able to buy them anywhere.  IF Sony do not release a Next gen system before the 10 year life span for the PS3, by it's 9th year, it's sales will be deminishing so much that by it's tenth year, (the year Sony bring out the next system), the PS3 will hardly be selling anything at all as it is now a weak (by comparison of tech at the time), 10 year old console.  It's profit/returns will be so low it will not offset any loss's on the PS4 and this will cause them to loose market share as they would be competing with cheap, 4 year old consoles and being 10 years old is a big difference.

e)  This being more speculation then anything else... What IS the Next gen systems going to be like?  Will they have HD graphics, super processing power and 3D Interactive user input?  Depending on what the User input will be like, the PS3 may look completely inferior alongside a new controle scheme.  I say this because the Wii controles have started a trend and I am certain, by the next xbox and Wii2.0, the PS3's controlls will be feeling like they are from the nes ere.  A Perrefrial addon is not going to egnite PS3 sales.  No addon in history has ever achieved that.  Much like the so called PS2 motion controles that where going to give the wii a run for it's money.

f) During the Next Gen, will the Wii keep selling really well into the Wii 2.0 life much like the PS2 has into the PS3's lifespan? I can't give a definative answere for this one.  The Wii has done something no-one (or not many) thought it would do.  Will it have huge legs and keep selling because of it's controls or will it suddenly stop selling upon next gen release?  I personally think it will be the PS2 of this gen and keep selling well into Wii 2.0's life.

All of my above points have led me to the conclusion that if Sony do not release a console before the 10 years plan for the PS3, then they will surely loose a large % of marketshare and leave the field open for another contender to take their place during the interim.

I personally believe they will release a PS4 around the same time as next gen (or a year later at most).  However, if they do this, it will have a relativly large impact on the sales of the PS3 and will prohibit it from stellar 100 Million + sales.

Unfortunatly, Both of my conclusions come off as backfiring for sony.  No console for 10 years, being the worst case senario for them, but as the PS3 has kind of already backfired on them anyway, (we can all agree Sony was expecting much more then what has happened so far), Introducing a PS4 and continuing the PS3 for 10 years is their best option.

Hope you enjoyed my post.


a) I would disagree on the point that a product that is 5 years old is still 5 years old so people won't buy it. It depends on the product. Some TVs that were newly released 5 years ago are still getting purchased. People still buy DVD players. Aren't consumers tired of these products? Due to the lack of a serious graphical upgrade, the ps3 could remain viable

b) Are its specs really helping the ps3 now? Why then do you think the post-ps3 gen would outsell it because of specs?

c) Standalone blu-ray players would become  $200? It is almost a guarantee that the ps3 would also be $200 or less with the ability to play  games as a bonus.

d) Supply and demand: This gen put an end to the whole "specs sell" idea. Due to its firmware, the ps3 is extremely versatile and has the potential to be totally different system than what we have now. Throw in the possibility of a ps3 slim and you ahve a posiibility of a continued seller. Think about it, if you bought a launch ps3 like I did, does it have the same functionality as it did about 2 yes ago? The answer would be a resounding NO after only two years. In the case of the ps2, it still has the same functionality it had in 1999. See the difference?

e) You have a point there. However, it's almost a guarantee that there would be some who will reject the new system of controls like some have rejected the wii. Ps3 can cater to those who think the system ain't broken yet. Also, if it is just a  control scheme upgrade, ps3 could also offer that option through firmware.

f) I can't really predict anything about the wii so I'll leave this one alone.

My conclusion: a plus for sony! They would gain a good reputation with third parties for sticking with a system that many had condemned as a failure unlike most console makers of the past. Also, ps3 development would be extremely cheap and it would have a higher installed base than the post-ps3 systems thus making it attractive to smaller devs like the ps2 still is attractive to atlus this gen.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

There is not going to be a 10 year plan. Look at the PS2, it stopped being great after 8 years. It's still going reasonably well, but it was always popular.

I completely disagree with your statement that the PS3 will have horrible sales in 2009. It will have better sales than any other year. The price will go down (If only slightly) and a huge wave of incredible exclusives will come (GT5 says hi).

I think they will make the PS4 in 2012. Games could keep coming out for the PS3 as late as 2014, but by 2012 it will be considered last gen.

PS-PS2 = 6 years
PS2-PS3 = 6 years
doesn't it follow that PS3-PS4 = 6 years?

I am aware that the PS3 has not done nearly as well as either of these, but it can hold out for another 4 years, easily. Maybe more. And there will be enough good games by the time standalone GOOD blu-ray players become cheap, that the PS3 will no longer be a "blu-ray player that plays games" but a console that happens to play blu-ray.

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