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Forums - Sales Discussion - How can you Count SONY out???

FJ-Warez said:
Can anybody shows where is the hate?? most of the people around here agrees that the PS3 is going to get great games, but not enough to recover the first place...

Probably it will end up getting the 2nd place, but thats all...


If you don't think the PS3 is the greatest thing since naked chicks on sliced bread, you obviously hate it.

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PandaexpressPanda said:
Cueil said:
placidcasual said:
Cueil said:
786_ali said:
Sony won't be able to beat ninty but it still has the best console(ps3) and best games, but it will definitely beat the stuffing out of M$


edit:  As for the hate...  just go there and you'll see why there is so much anger.


Anybody who is even aware of that ridiculous page merely serves to prove my point. Give me free online play and a console that works any day.


I'm sure Sony will gladly give you what you paid for.  The page made a very valid point if a little vile.  If you had actually read it you'd have seen he didn't make a single false statement at all.

actually that page is very fanboyish, right off the bat he says "the shitty PSX games for the PSP" something like that, trust me I had a 360 and traded it in for my PS3 after seeing the poor lineup of games coming out for 360


If you look at the date it was 2006... so it was shitty... and he made many valid points and if you don't think Sony was being a dickhead back in 2005 and 2006 before Microsoft slapped them in the face then you're completely blind.  He's not a fanboy either if you check out his website as a whole you'll see that he pretty much just says whats on his mind about things some of the them are extreamly funny... and most are not game related.


GTAIV08 said:
if you want to make a thread about ps3, dont do it here! go to IGN or GT, or something else. why? because here= 90% xbox 360 fanboys, 5% a piece for wii and ps3.


ay que me lol!

I mean lmao.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

leo-j said:
Becuase nintendo>>>> god>> sony

its a proven fact



Aha, but from an Atheist's point of view, God does not exist therefore God is nothing, therefore Nintendo is better than nothing (true) which means nothing is greater than sony.

I don't think many people have ounted Sony out just yet, the sales are steadily climbing and there are more good exclusives coming out for PS3 in the future than either of the other two consoles.

Now for various people to say "GEARS OF WAR!!!"

Yeah, well: God of War 3, Heavy Rain, FF13, FF vs. 13, Syphon Filter (you know it'll happen) Resistance, Ratchet and Clank, Jak etc. etc.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kasz216 said:
leo-j said:
The amount of hate for the ps3 on this site is astonishing, its like it murdered a relative of someone, and all you people want for it is to die.

I think it's more a hate of illogical comments.

For example if people started running around saying Ralph Nader was definitly going to win the Presidential Election... that person would likely be met with a lot of scorn.

It's the same way with the PS3. 

It's not impossible... but it's so low that it's funny/annoying when people pretend it's a predestined fact.

I mean... at least wait with the talk untill the PS3 proves it can pass the 360.  I mean you have to be number 2 before you can be number 1.

What he said.


4 ≈ One

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I agree with Frybread. All GCN fanboys said that. But PS2 had captured casuals, just as Wii has. I was a 360 fan to start. I moved on. Nintendo won. Better luck next round.

It's very easy. All one has to do is look at the numbers on the main page of this site.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

PandaexpressPanda said:

For the people saying the console war is over and all that BS, SONY has more going for it than the competition, Blu Ray player, the brand name, and not to mention it's biggest heavy hitters haven't even dropped yet, (God of war 3, Gran Turismo 5)... seems like right now is the perfect time to pick up a PS3.


It's very easy to count SONY out. You know why? They're getting their ass kicked right now.

When Sony starts dominating again, tell me.