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Forums - Sony Discussion - My Review of PS home beta

Sephiroth357 said:
Great article.

I can't wait for it to come out.

Anyways, how many people are usually on?


about 200 a day, and congratz on your 500th post before sept 16

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the thing i still dont get is what is the point of home? i want to play games on my console rather than walk around in a virtual life. do you guys not think that after a week or so on home you are just going to get bored of it and get back to playing your games from your great looking 2009 lineup?

I thought that I would get bored, but you can play games with your friends that are offered.

i am jealous i want to be in =(.

have they say anything about public beta yet?

SHMUPGurus said:
I still have one more question though: What is it for exactly? Will Home ''avatars'' appear in other SCE titles?

Lazer Tag with Avatars Confirmed!

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Really nice analysis of Home, very informative. Only one thing though, you keep referring to HOME as a game. It is not a game, it is a Productivity App with slight game like qualities when it comes to interaction. Sry, that just bothered me a little.

But I have a few questions if I may.....
-How does it work when you invite people to your crib?
-I heard they took out the ability to share videos and music with peers, understandable. I would not expect them to allow you to transfer video and music files to others because of legal issues. My question is though, does this mean you cannot play music in your own apartment so others can hear it?




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

man... i just cant find what is so good about home... man i just cant think how people can WASTE their time on it because there really isnt any other words to describe that, its a cool concept but man where is humanity going with all this shit... i love the ps3, i love the 360, i love the mm well not that much but, why dont you go outside your house and meet new people, gather up with your friends and play a lan of 360 or ps3, go to a party, gather u with your friends to just talk... i think thats what social means not a silly stupid "virtual reality" were you can meet people... i jut find it so stupid sony should just spend their money and time making good games and not this social *&^% I mean seriously WTF consoles are for seeing movies play games lisent music, but spending all your day infront of a tv... its like too much, what are kids going to be in 10 more years...

Mum: why dont you invite your friends to come over?
Kid: I already have
Mum:How? i havent seen them?
Kid: I am telling you they are at my place at HOME

PLZ SONY STOP WASTING TIME AND MONEY ON THAT..... i dont know i think if i stay more than 10 minutes on home its going to be a miracle... i play games and have life, other will play games and have home.... (for me thats SAD)

4lc0h0l said:

man... i just cant find what is so good about home... man i just cant think how people can WASTE their time on it because there really isnt any other words to describe that, its a cool concept but man where is humanity going with all this shit... i love the ps3, i love the 360, i love the mm well not that much but, why dont you go outside your house and meet new people, gather up with your friends and play a lan of 360 or ps3, go to a party, gather u with your friends to just talk... i think thats what social means not a silly stupid "virtual reality" were you can meet people... i jut find it so stupid sony should just spend their money and time making good games and not this social *&^% I mean seriously WTF consoles are for seeing movies play games lisent music, but spending all your day infront of a tv... its like too much, what are kids going to be in 10 more years...

Mum: why dont you invite your friends to come over?
Kid: I already have
Mum:How? i havent seen them?
Kid: I am telling you they are at my place at HOME

PLZ SONY STOP WASTING TIME AND MONEY ON THAT..... i dont know i think if i stay more than 10 minutes on home its going to be a miracle... i play games and have life, other will play games and have home.... (for me thats SAD)

I question some of the reasons behind HOME myself but I wouldn't go quite this far.  I can see the appeal in having a personal space to customize and call your own.  It's a rather ambitious project and I hope Sony pulls it off.  So far from the hands-on I've seen it seems to be shaping up quite well.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

It'll be interesting to see if Home takes off and Sony finally having an idea worth copying this generation (much like Nintendo's motion controls and Microsoft's achievements).

I know I haven't played HOME yet so this is a skewed view but to be honest it kind of sounds pathetic. If I want to dance I'm going to go out to a club, not online on my PS3. I don't use the internet to socialize with people I don't know, honestly it just seems weird.
I'm fine with playing a game with random people but frankly i don't give a shit about getting to know them. Thats what I use my console for, to play games with my friends.

Facebook is enough of a chore for me, when I turn on my console I turn it on to play games and watch the occasional movie, not to try and chat up some random chick who is probably a 40 year old dude.

But if thats what you enjoy doing then all the more power to you I guess.


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