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I know I haven't played HOME yet so this is a skewed view but to be honest it kind of sounds pathetic. If I want to dance I'm going to go out to a club, not online on my PS3. I don't use the internet to socialize with people I don't know, honestly it just seems weird.
I'm fine with playing a game with random people but frankly i don't give a shit about getting to know them. Thats what I use my console for, to play games with my friends.

Facebook is enough of a chore for me, when I turn on my console I turn it on to play games and watch the occasional movie, not to try and chat up some random chick who is probably a 40 year old dude.

But if thats what you enjoy doing then all the more power to you I guess.


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers