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Forums - Gaming Discussion - WTF : teenagers banned from gaming after killing cat with microwave.

So......................... Jack Thompson Article/speech about blaming this on Video Games Confirmed????

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They should die the same way…. :( poor cat….

Reminds me of the old lady who wanted too worm up here cold dog so she put him in the microwave and it suffer the same fate as the cat…

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Too many overreactions in this thread. They should be punished of course, but........good grief. Some of the replies in this thread bring me several questions about the thought patterns of humans these days. Then again when someone is angry they don't always mean what they say. Hard to tell on the internet though.

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

halogamer1989 said:
Sick sons of bitches. Oh wait--looks at article again... Well they are Canadians, don't ya know! lol


Shut the hell up :D

I live in alberta's captial. Edmonton, this story of these two teenagers is disgusting to alot of the local citizens. Its appeared in local newspapers (edmonton Journal, Edmonton Sun, and Calgary Sun(?) for major newspapers). People are absolutely disgusted with these two and alot of us believe they do deserve jail-time.

But what the heck does this have to do with videogames?!

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

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There really needs to be more "eye for an eye" kind of punishments these days. These kids ought to be stuffed into a microwave and cooked to death for being such inexcusably revolting human beings.

Why take the risk that they spread into the gene pool?

Poor kitten must have suffered a lot,dying because of microwawes is slow and painful.

My kitten died some two months ago was scared due to the celebrations when Spain won the soccer Euro Championship and it ended up jumping through the window...I had to recover the body and bring it back home but it was too late.It was such a sensible and tender animal,I miss him every day.

People that do harm to defenseless and innocent animals should be punished very hard.In fact its a symptom of mental disorders in these people has been studied that people that harm pets its one indicative of sociopaths.

WTF haha

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Million said:


"CAMROSE, Alta. - Two Alberta teenagers who killed a family's cat in a microwave - a crime that drew outrage from animal lovers around the world - have been banned by a judge from owning animals for at least two years.

They're also barred from owning or playing violent video games for the next year.

But they're avoiding jail time."

PS: Picture is not the actual but just a representation.




 And they say Americans ar the only ones with problems. Please...there are sick fucks all over the world.

This thread boiled down into self congratulatory masturbation in short order. We are talking about two teenagers. Guess what you were that age too, and guess what you did some pretty despicable stuff yourself. Humans of this age are fascinated by death. Specifically the ability to kill other living things. Part of growing up is testing the world around you.

I wonder if you guys appreciate the fact that one in six members of this forum has done exactly what these children have done. Oh they will not fess up to doing this, because it is as taboo as eating human flesh. You can seriously murder a human being, rape a child, set fire to houses, and sell drugs to children. Yet for most concerned none of those are as bad as killing a family pet. We base judgments on the helplessness of a victim. Most pet killers grow up to lead normal lives. They are not psychopaths or axe murderers. They just did some sick stupid shit while they were growing up.

What is stupid in this instance is the punishment. The judge obviously has no concept of human nature. Which is a joke considering the job. Depriving the children games will not cure them of human nature. Nor will depriving them of pets deplete their list of potential targets. All these actions will cause is the public to ostracize these young people. That is exactly the wrong thing to do, because when you cast someone out that causes feelings of isolation, and that in turn causes feelings of anger. Were the children not troubled before they sure as hell will be now.

The punishment should have nothing to do with games. I only blame gaming for not having enough good games this year to keep these children engaged. What these children needed was a referral for counseling. Why exacerbate a situation, and more to the point why look for scapegoats like gaming.

I kind of have to admit it is kind of sickening to see others tearing down on those they do not know for having the same failings they themselves have. Are all of you prospects for sainthood? Chances are one person in this thread has raped another human being. Three of you drove fully and recklessly intoxicated. Four of you killed or maimed a family pet. Eight of you have done heavy narcotics. Sixteen of you have shoplifted. So before you condemn these teenagers take a good long look in the mirror and ask do you have a right to cast stones.

These teenagers probably do not know better, but most of you are adults, and should know damn well better. Your just lambasting these kids to get your rocks off and feel better about yourselves. When the discussion should be the fact that this judge instead of dealing with helping these young people. Has obviously decided that gaming is the culprit.