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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Gamespot reviews Infinite Undiscovery - 6.5

ecurbj said:
Million said:
mrstickball said:
Million said:
First Too Human , Now Infinite Undiscovery eh ?

We should make a Haze + Lair + TH , IU bundle .

If your arguing reviews, Neither Too Human nor Infinite Undiscovery come to the atrocious scores that Lair or Haze have received.

Infinite Undiscovery 72.3% 6 Reviews
Too Human 69.1% 48 Reviews
Haze 56.8% 54 Reviews
Lair 55.8% 61 Reviews

Maybe it's me, but there's a huge difference between IU/TH scores and Haze/Lair scores. I fully agree that IU and TH are falling into the category of "hyped games that underwhelmed", but nowhere near Haze/Lair levels of awfulness. Lair and Haze were beyond turds. IU/TH have decent enough scores to be "mediocre" or "ok", and not "horrid" or "abysmal" like Haze/Lair.

If anything, it'd be better to put out a Haze + Lair + Two Worlds + Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom, rather than have IU/TH in that mix.



Damage control all you want but the above are all mediocore games.


Question...did you play them?

If so, I can understand your post...if not then you can just STFU and move on with life. Because these sort of posts are really annoying. Your basically using what reviewers are saying and believing what they are saying rather than playing through the game yourself...

Thanks for the 1 million same-old-piece-of-shit post I'm use to seeing.


Isn't that what Stick is doing with the comparison of Metacritic scores in the first place?


Around the Network

the thread failed
too human had been hyped and flopped
what's wrong with that?
haze is the same

mrstickball said:
ecurbj -

Buzz wise, I think your right. Tales of Vesperia is the champ of the 2 games (much to my surprise). It quickly went from "Tales seems good" to "Holy crap, ToV is the best Tales game ever!" pretty quickly. Most RPG discussions have been focusing on how great ToV is...

Which took away IU's thunder to "it's out too soon! And I guess it's not as good as ToV...I better change by pre-order..."

Or maybe IU was rushed out to quickly.  Tri-Ace seem to care more about how good SO4 is than how good IU is.  SO4 and IU started development more or less at the same time but SO4 will benefit from extra time that IU didn't get in development.


Also, it seems that ToV prefected the 3D Tales games


Torillian said:
ecurbj said:
Million said:
mrstickball said:
Million said:
First Too Human , Now Infinite Undiscovery eh ?

We should make a Haze + Lair + TH , IU bundle .

If your arguing reviews, Neither Too Human nor Infinite Undiscovery come to the atrocious scores that Lair or Haze have received.

Infinite Undiscovery 72.3% 6 Reviews
Too Human 69.1% 48 Reviews
Haze 56.8% 54 Reviews
Lair 55.8% 61 Reviews

Maybe it's me, but there's a huge difference between IU/TH scores and Haze/Lair scores. I fully agree that IU and TH are falling into the category of "hyped games that underwhelmed", but nowhere near Haze/Lair levels of awfulness. Lair and Haze were beyond turds. IU/TH have decent enough scores to be "mediocre" or "ok", and not "horrid" or "abysmal" like Haze/Lair.

If anything, it'd be better to put out a Haze + Lair + Two Worlds + Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom, rather than have IU/TH in that mix.



Damage control all you want but the above are all mediocore games.


Question...did you play them?

If so, I can understand your post...if not then you can just STFU and move on with life. Because these sort of posts are really annoying. Your basically using what reviewers are saying and believing what they are saying rather than playing through the game yourself...

Thanks for the 1 million same-old-piece-of-shit post I'm use to seeing.


Isn't that what Stick is doing with the comparison of Metacritic scores in the first place?


Yes...he was and I am asking him a question out of curiosity did he play them or not?

blackstar said:
the thread failed
too human had been hyped and flopped
what's wrong with that?
haze is the same


Well it flopped according to sales-wise and hype-wise, but not to many 360 owners out there. They are still giving the game the benefit of the doubt and renting it and trying it for themselves.

Haze I will be doing the same with. The game failed hard according to sales figures and the stupid review scores. But it won't stop em from enjoying it myself.

Around the Network

OUCH! - 6.5?!@$@#!???

badgenome said:
BMaker11 said:
ecurbj said:

Regardless, I'm still going to play the game, whether Gamespot changes it score to a 1 or 0...I could care less about IGN or any person in this thread that is talking bad on the game.

How is reviews going to make people think..."oh well there goes another 360 exclusive that sucked because this reviewer gave the game a bad score" so it must suck then...haha 360 owners you got another faulty JRPG"

I mean just by that above what I stated thats what is the problem and the majority of everyone in this thread that is happy that it got the review are not 360 owners.

Wow, seriously just play the game and make your own assumptions instead of listening to some reviewer that probably didn't invest as many hours as possible into the game.

Bashing is a two way street. Lair got it for months, Haze is still getting it. Heavenly Sword got it for almost a year until it finally broke 1 milion, etc. Now it happens twice in a row to the 360, and now everyone's getting upset that they have to get defensive. Welcome to my world in 2007


So because some people who owned a different console were dicks to you a year ago, you're going to behave the same way over games some people perceive as disappointments?

Seems like you take this stuff too seriously and personally.

Yup,sure will.

A bully doesn't know what if feels like to be beat up and helpless until he IS beat up and rendered helpless. It is the only way you'll learn





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

ecurbj said:
blackstar said:
the thread failed
too human had been hyped and flopped
what's wrong with that?
haze is the same


Well it flopped according to sales-wise and hype-wise, but not to many 360 owners out there. They are still giving the game the benefit of the doubt and renting it and trying it for themselves.

Haze I will be doing the same with. The game failed hard according to sales figures and the stupid review scores. But it won't stop em from enjoying it myself.


 sure try the game ur self

i don't know why we care about sales and reviews

finally some agrees with me :D

Eh; I'll still buy and play it. There's precious few good action-RPGs out these days, and the other reviews for IU have been generally positive.

And besides, when's the last time we trusted Gamespot, of all places, for accurate reviews?

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



ecurbj said:
Agreed..Lair was indeed hyped like crazy...Haze was going to be the "halo-killer" but quickly made a huge 360 degree leap into failure...according to the press.

To be honest I haven't seen to much hype regarding Infinite Undiscovery, maybe it was overshadowed by Tales of Vesperia.


Haze was a Halo Killer?

Are you crazy?

Or, please link me to a post that said that.