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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft is not cut out to make hardware

there next system or even a redesign of the 360 should look totally different so people wont associate it with rrod also the ps2 had a large failure rate at the beginning and it didn't hurt it at all in the long rung

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I agree completely with Squilliam. 360 has treated me to some amazing games and looks to continue the trend for the rest of the generation. I will gladly purchase M$'s next console. Hell, look how many games of Halo 3 I have played(and that is not much compared to some).

Xbox 1 was a great piece of hardware, Xbox 360 was rushed which cause the RROD problems, yet i dont think MS are bad at hardware department, at the end of the day they have created powerfull equipment for great price, PS3 may have more features but price still holds it back.

And of course they will be in Console market next year, among Nintendo they are in second place at the moment, Xbox brand have established itself among gamers, with great library of quality titles (i think at the moment the best one), they got finally some kind off foothold in Japan, and they will greatly outsell Xbox. At the moment PS brand is the one that suffers most compared to previous generations.

I would prefer Sega over MS on the market, but Xbox is a great product.

Squilliam said:
Staude said:
Squilliam said:
Sony took 3 generations to get it right.

Microsoft made a reliable console right out of the gate.

I don't think I need to say any more.


My ps1 from around europe launch still works. I don't even need to do the "flipping it around" when i play.


Need i say more ? ;)



My N64 works, my megadrive still works, never had an Xbox 1, My Ps1 failed and was replaced, My PS2 failed and was replaced 3 times, My PS3 failed twice, my PC has failed once in 15 years, never had a TV/Stove/Microwave/Fridge/Freezer break down.



Maybe your playstations could feel your disliking for the company who made them so they cracked under the pressure of not being liked :p


... what ?

Check out my game about moles ^

obieslut said:

The curse of RROD lingers in the back of consumers minds it has halved over time from 33% down to 16%. The widespread problem has been reduced but it has an adverse effect on X360 HW sales due to internet and word of mouth.

I wonder if MS will be in console generation next time round? I would say it is 50-50. If only MS get a reliable company to make consoles for them and MS just focuses on software. pluss i think microsft should get rid of the xbox/microsoft brand because next gen people are not going to buy the new console because the curse of the 360 will be having a party in the back of the consumers minds.

Stop with this nonsense. The original Xbox had less failure rates than the PS2. Microsoft knows how to make hardware, they just didn't need to rush it out the door like they did to beat Sony to the punch. Get it through your head. The Xbox had quality hardware and it and still sucked because it lacked games, unlike the PS2 which had a army of amazing games and inferior hardware. The roles have been reversed this gen.


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I expect to see MS next gen.... no thoughts on how well they will do though. If HALO 4 is a launch title like the rumors say then they should start off pretty well....

4 ≈ One

M$ Should get SONY to make their Hardware :D and @ STAGE, The game side is debatable, its down to preference

Its nintendo the one who doesnt know shit about hardware. A 21st century product sporting 20th century hardware aint really the smartest move now is it?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
obieslut said:

The curse of RROD lingers in the back of consumers minds it has halved over time from 33% down to 16%. The widespread problem has been reduced but it has an adverse effect on X360 HW sales due to internet and word of mouth.

I wonder if MS will be in console generation next time round? I would say it is 50-50. If only MS get a reliable company to make consoles for them and MS just focuses on software. pluss i think microsft should get rid of the xbox/microsoft brand because next gen people are not going to buy the new console because the curse of the 360 will be having a party in the back of the consumers minds.

Stop with this nonsense. The original Xbox had less failure rates than the PS2. Microsoft knows how to make hardware, they just didn't need to rush it out the door like they did to beat Sony to the punch. Get it through your head. The Xbox had quality hardware and it and still sucked because it lacked games, unlike the PS2 which had a army of amazing games and inferior hardware. The roles have been reversed this gen.



the xbox brand for games has progressed and in sales it has progressed, but in quality it has gone backwards, and nobody can say anythingelse about it. to do so would ever make then a blind fanboy, or seriously delutional take your pick.

the first xbox was very reliable very hardy and didnt scratch your disk and get rrod. the new xbox does. so if that is not going backwards i dont know what is and after this fumble with the 360 i would only trust the new console if a diff company came in and did the hardware for them.

Squilliam said:
Sony took 3 generations to get it right.

Microsoft made a reliable console right out of the gate.

I don't think I need to say any more.



took 3 generations to get it right? What do you mean. Yes, the PS2 has a small failure rate, about 12%, but no where near 360 percentage. The PS1 was a SUPER sturdy system, that even after a royal thrashing the thing just would not die. The slim PS2 work perfectly. The PS3 is just as good as the slim PS2 and PS1 in that department.

So that means there was only one incedent with faulty Sony hardware. The PS1 and PS3 success rate outnumbers the PS2's failure rate so in all Sony still can make great hardware.2~1

As for MS's Xbox, it was sturdy too, there were no hardware malfunctions that I know of. Then they rushed the 360 out the gate to get the jump on the market leader, sony. The system is crappily made above all else. That leaves MS with 1~1

Sony wins this one too I am afraid Squilliam....




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