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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft is not cut out to make hardware

The curse of RROD lingers in the back of consumers minds it has halved over time from 33% down to 16%. The widespread problem has been reduced but it has an adverse effect on X360 HW sales due to internet and word of mouth.

I wonder if MS will be in console generation next time round? I would say it is 50-50. If only MS get a reliable company to make consoles for them and MS just focuses on software. pluss i think microsft should get rid of the xbox/microsoft brand because next gen people are not going to buy the new console because the curse of the 360 will be having a party in the back of the consumers minds.

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Time will reveal all. Billions of dollars MS have lost on both XBox consoles. The two billion dollars alone put towards the RROD issue by offering all X360 console owners 3 year warranties would of hurt MS significantly. MS reputation in console industrsy has taken a hammering.

I think they must get a 3rd party to get it done, they cannot risk anything like the rrod

Rock_on_2008 said:

Time will reveal all. Billions of dollars MS have lost on both XBox consoles. The two billion dollars alone put towards the RROD issue by offering all X360 console owners 3 year warranties would of hurt MS significantly. MS reputation in console industrsy has taken a hammering.


i agree. this is why i think they have to take the xbox/microsft brand away from it because many people will just not buy a console product with that brand label on it as it refers to a lack of quality in the hardware in the standard consumers minds.

maybe they should buy sega out and then get sega to be their console making bit while MS concentrates on software

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There's is zero chance MS doesn't do the next generation. They finally found success and profitability with the 360, and built up somewhat of a brand name in the United States.

Think of it this way: they can keep going with their currently favorable position to try to regain some of the xbox losses, or they can just end it and give up that opportunity.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

jkl2207 said:
maybe they should buy sega out and then get sega to be their console making bit while MS concentrates on software


if they did dthat then they would get me to buy a console lol

Quite incredible. This thead, first 3 posts were from 2 rampant PS3 fanboys and 1 PS3 supporter....

And yet all their posts are actually neutral and thought out. (Bet you thought I was going to flame them)

I don't think MS will leave the game, they cut a bigger slice out of the market this time around (so a win for them) and they are making money (or would be if you take out RROD, since I don't know the financial figures I'm not sure which is which) on this venture, so it goes towards them learning from their mistakes next gen.

obieslut said:

The curse of RROD lingers in the back of consumers minds it has halved over time from 33% down to 16%. The widespread problem has been reduced but it has an adverse effect on X360 HW sales due to internet and word of mouth.

I wonder if MS will be in console generation next time round? I would say it is 50-50. If only MS get a reliable company to make consoles for them and MS just focuses on software. pluss i think microsft should get rid of the xbox/microsoft brand because next gen people are not going to buy the new console because the curse of the 360 will be having a party in the back of the consumers minds.


Not necessarily true at all. If you look at history:


1) PS2 had a shit laser. Although I favored the PS2 over the xbox, i have to admit the xbox was better made and offered better specs (hard drive, custom soundtrack support) and the laser didnt die as often as the PS2 one. I went through 3 PS2's, buying a new one everytime it broke down. It didn't stop me buying a PS3!

2) xbox360 may have problems but they have a far better strong hold now and they can still build on it. The have loyal supporters and they have good Exclusive games (GoW, Fable, Halo, Forza, PGR).

3) They have More money and are doing far better financially this time then last time around. Why would they want to give up when they are making improvements in business! Logically it doesn't make sense. 


The only way MS will take defeat is if everyone stopped buying the console and and they made heavy losses this time around as well. I don't see that happening. 

@CAL4MITY- i don't think any of the PS fan posts were logically justified :s but then again, this is just my opinion!

CAL4M1TY said:
Quite incredible. This thead, first 3 posts were from 2 rampant PS3 fanboys and 1 PS3 supporter....

And yet all their posts are actually neutral and thought out. (Bet you thought I was going to flame them)

I don't think MS will leave the game, they cut a bigger slice out of the market this time around (so a win for them) and they are making money (or would be if you take out RROD, since I don't know the financial figures I'm not sure which is which) on this venture, so it goes towards them learning from their mistakes next gen.


But i agree MS must fix the rrod problem and tell consumers they haved fixed the problem, there is no point in cutting prices if the rrod is still present. If microsoft manages to fix the hardware problem, they can really become a force in europe and japan. But people there are less tolerant to the rrod then people in America. they have great games,great online but console is questionable!