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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable 2 - Convince me.

starcraft said:
Shio. Run along and stop being a PC fanboy.

I think the overwhelming opinion in this thread is that Fable was great, and Fable 2 will almost certainly be greater. Molyneux may have overplayed the first game's hype, but he is being kept on a tight leash this time around.


 You know, some people can genuinelly believe that the first game wasn't all that great without being a fanboy.  I just happen to have a different opinion than yours.

I liked the leveling system of the first one, and the options you had to level too.  Other than that, there was very little of the first one I found appealing, which has left me a little jaded towards the second.  I hope it ends up being awesome, its just going to take some convincing for me to check it out.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

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For the record, I liked Fable 1 a lot. It might not have been AAA in reviewers minds, but it was in mine.

Only use gamerankings as a guide. For instance, Rock_on_2008 insinuated that only games with 85 or up are worth purchasing.

That means the PS3 only has 21 good games, and things like The Darkness, Everyday Shooter, and DMC 4 are complete wastes of money.

I don't subscribe to that childish black and white logic. Instead, I am a fan of games, and I use the reviews to determine what games I purchase, they don't use me.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


So basically it is a Legend of Zelda+Elder Scrolls mesh?

epicurean said:
starcraft said:
Shio. Run along and stop being a PC fanboy.

I think the overwhelming opinion in this thread is that Fable was great, and Fable 2 will almost certainly be greater. Molyneux may have overplayed the first game's hype, but he is being kept on a tight leash this time around.

 You know, some people can genuinelly believe that the first game wasn't all that great without being a fanboy.  I just happen to have a different opinion than yours.

I liked the leveling system of the first one, and the options you had to level too.  Other than that, there was very little of the first one I found appealing, which has left me a little jaded towards the second.  I hope it ends up being awesome, its just going to take some convincing for me to check it out.

Some people can, perhaps you do.  But Shio does not.  He routinely trolls through the forums belittling console games left right and center with the overall goal of promoting the PC's supremacy.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
epicurean said:
starcraft said:
Shio. Run along and stop being a PC fanboy.

I think the overwhelming opinion in this thread is that Fable was great, and Fable 2 will almost certainly be greater. Molyneux may have overplayed the first game's hype, but he is being kept on a tight leash this time around.

 You know, some people can genuinelly believe that the first game wasn't all that great without being a fanboy.  I just happen to have a different opinion than yours.

I liked the leveling system of the first one, and the options you had to level too.  Other than that, there was very little of the first one I found appealing, which has left me a little jaded towards the second.  I hope it ends up being awesome, its just going to take some convincing for me to check it out.

Some people can, perhaps you do.  But Shio does not.  He routinely trolls through the forums belittling console games left right and center with the overall goal of promoting the PC's supremacy.


In what way was I belittling in this thread? Fable was a big disappointment for me, and it's combat was nowhere near as good or challenging as Diablo 2 or Titan Quest.


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For me Fable 2 has done all the convincing it needed to do when they announced that it will have co-op. I have been itching for an RPG with a good co-op mode.

Besides that I liked the original Fable. The game had its flaws but it still provided a fun distraction for a while. In my opinion it was too short mainly because i did not bother purchasing every house out there but I could care less about that.

Anyways, I think Fable 2 will be great, there is not much i can do to convince you so just go to gametrailers and watch gameplay videos. I wonder if they will release a demo for the game.

Proud owner of the following gaming devices:

PC, XBox 360, Wii, PS2, DS, PS3


halogamer1989 said:
So basically it is a Legend of Zelda+Elder Scrolls mesh?


I think I'd rather compare it to Gothic, actually.


Decision made Majin?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Omg XD I laughed my ass off when he pulled out a gun and shot her husband. Classic.

Well, now, after seeing the video, I only have two questions left.

1. How big is the world?
2. Should I get the collector's edition or regular? :P

Ahh. The last world was quite sizable (though of course it takes a while to gain access to all of it). There are reports from a Polish magazine (I think) and Microsoft themselves that Fable 2's world is substantially larger.

The game is meant to be doable (main quest with no side quests, and virtually no social interacting or employment) in ten hours. The reality is if you enjoy the game, do side quests, get married, make friends, take jobs etc, it may take you thirty. And then on a second playthrough if you make different decisions you'll find new story pieces.

And I am most definitely getting the collector's edition. It has a collectable Hobbe figurine (you would have seen a Hobbe in the video), additional in game content (I believe it is an extra sword, outfit and mission), a soundtrack DVD, all six developer diaries plus never before seen making of videos. Then there is a couple of other small things I cannot remember.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS