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starcraft said:
Shio. Run along and stop being a PC fanboy.

I think the overwhelming opinion in this thread is that Fable was great, and Fable 2 will almost certainly be greater. Molyneux may have overplayed the first game's hype, but he is being kept on a tight leash this time around.


 You know, some people can genuinelly believe that the first game wasn't all that great without being a fanboy.  I just happen to have a different opinion than yours.

I liked the leveling system of the first one, and the options you had to level too.  Other than that, there was very little of the first one I found appealing, which has left me a little jaded towards the second.  I hope it ends up being awesome, its just going to take some convincing for me to check it out.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS