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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable 2 - Convince me.

Let me tell you about my relationship with Fable. I didn't know of Fable when it was released (I didn't have an Xbox, so I had little knowledge about it's games), and I only found about it recently (like a year ago). Suffice to say, I've never played Fable. In general, I've always leaned a lot more towards JRPGs than WRPGs when I actually decide to play RPGs, but after seeing Fable 2 at Microsoft's E3 press conference, it got me interested.

However, I just waved my curiosity away, chanting to myself "It sure looks like a good game, but it's not a game for me", but the more info I see about it, the more unsure I get. I'm not much for WRPGs. But what I'm hearing about Fable 2 is really drawing me in. Everything I hear sounds so amazing. This is probably where most people are thinking "Well, just go buy it then". However, it's not that simple...

I hear from a lot of people "Yeah, sure, they SAY this is going to be in Fable 2 but they said that about the first Fable too!". It seems to be pretty universally agreed upon that the first Fable was a good game, but still a disappointment, and that worries me. So I ask everyone who really knows about this game, do you think it will deliver everything it says it will? Because from what I hear, it sounds truly amazing, and I don't think even someone as skeptical towards WRPGs as me can resist.

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If you're playing with a friend, you can kill their spouse and /quit. It won't disappoint. Get this game!

I never played the original Fable. Fable 2 might be an ok rent game providing it gets scores above 85%.

I imagine Starcraft should answer this question.

I was really excited for the first one, then I played it and was pretty disappointed. The combat was boring, and I couldn't get into the story. Because of that, I've pretty much not been even looking at Fable 2 too much, though the closer it gets the more I look. I might end up getting it if it gets great reveiws, but I'm not getting my hopes up even a little after the last one.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

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Thread should read: "Fable 2 - Starcraft please convince me to buy"

I would just watch the gameplay vids and a synopsis on the features etc etc. A lot of ppl will tell you to not get it simply b/c they don't like MS and vice versa for other games on PS3/Wii. IMO the game is going to be great especially if you like WRPG. The hype from the Fable camp has been decreased tenfold compared to last time and its really been the videos and screenshots that have done the talking for them.

Consoles Owned: Sega Genesis, NES, PS2 (RIP) N64, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii


"In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is rule."

~ Friedrich Nietzsche

badgenome said:
If you're playing with a friend, you can kill their spouse and /quit. It won't disappoint. Get this game!

I know, that's one of the parts that's so convincing :D


Its gorgeous! -

Its got a fantastic art style that would be as fitting to your favourite JRPG as it is to a WRPG.

Peter the lead designer proved the concepts in Fable 2 in previews so what he said is actually there.

Read this for 10 things about Fable 2:

And my take, this doesn't look like a cold "heartless" WRPG like Oblivion its far softer and its much more endearing IMO. I too have never played Fable 1, but Im completely pumped for this game. I have recently rediscovered my love for JRPGs and a lot of what I love about JRPGs are replicated in this game, with a Western flavour of course.


Squilliam said:
Its gorgeous! -

Its got a fantastic art style that would be as fitting to your favourite JRPG as it is to a WRPG.

Peter the lead designer proved the concepts in Fable 2 in previews so what he said is actually there.

Read this for 10 things about Fable 2:

And my take, this doesn't look like a cold "heartless" WRPG like Oblivion its far softer and its much more endearing IMO. I too have never played Fable 1, but Im completely pumped for this game. I have recently rediscovered my love for JRPGs and a lot of what I love about JRPGs are replicated in this game, with a Western flavour of course.


Oh yeah, I read that list. That's what pushed me over the edge from "Probably not my kind of game" to "Holy shit I want this" :P


And yes, it's undoubtedly beautiful :D