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Let me tell you about my relationship with Fable. I didn't know of Fable when it was released (I didn't have an Xbox, so I had little knowledge about it's games), and I only found about it recently (like a year ago). Suffice to say, I've never played Fable. In general, I've always leaned a lot more towards JRPGs than WRPGs when I actually decide to play RPGs, but after seeing Fable 2 at Microsoft's E3 press conference, it got me interested.

However, I just waved my curiosity away, chanting to myself "It sure looks like a good game, but it's not a game for me", but the more info I see about it, the more unsure I get. I'm not much for WRPGs. But what I'm hearing about Fable 2 is really drawing me in. Everything I hear sounds so amazing. This is probably where most people are thinking "Well, just go buy it then". However, it's not that simple...

I hear from a lot of people "Yeah, sure, they SAY this is going to be in Fable 2 but they said that about the first Fable too!". It seems to be pretty universally agreed upon that the first Fable was a good game, but still a disappointment, and that worries me. So I ask everyone who really knows about this game, do you think it will deliver everything it says it will? Because from what I hear, it sounds truly amazing, and I don't think even someone as skeptical towards WRPGs as me can resist.