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Forums - Website Topics - New Mods? makingmusic476 and Onyxmeth?

Um, congrats?  ^_^

Around the Network

congrats, they both seem nice, really good selection

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434


Two awesome people.

I noticed that, also seems like SSJ12 is no longer a mod.

As in go buy us some coffee.

congrats to them!

Around the Network

Yeah spotted onyxmeths name in red earlier.
Congratz guys.





Gobias said:
I noticed that, also seems like SSJ12 is no longer a mod.


... trust me... I wasnt even told about the change up in the mod team...

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Gobias said:
I noticed that, also seems like SSJ12 is no longer a mod.

Blast it!  Now I have to fix my photo album...

It's so weird to see ssj12's name not in red.


It just doesn't flow anymore.

May as well change your pic while you're at it, it just looks so weird.
