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Forums - Gaming Discussion - who will win in a fight? Kratos or Link

Chemical said:
To the whole "how can you kill an immortal" argument, here is something I have to say. NOTHING is immortal because it is IMPOSSIBLE to prove that something is immortal. If by immortal you mean something that lasts forever then you most likely will notice that it is impossible to prove that anything lasts forever because you have to spend an eternity proving that. So in God of War everyone simply assumes that Zeus and the gang are immortal because they have lived for thousands of years and can do magic and crap.

Plus, another point to consider: what if immortality can be taken away. Just like Kratos lost his powers in God Of War 2, it means that immortality is powered by something, so if you disrupt that then you can kill an immortal.

Anyways, everything is immortal until it dies. So as far as I am concerned I am immortal. It is impossible to prove immortality but it is possible to disprove it, and to disprove it, you just need to kill whatever claims to be immortal.


 "but if you killed an immortal they were never immortal"

The way i see it is he didn't "take away his immortality" but just acended to his level. And the way i see it is Gods are immortal to humans but not each other and there is something higher than gods that are immortal to god but not each other (Titans)


I finally understood what you meant. You simply define immortal differently than I do.

As for who would win, can we please just stop screaming out what 1 of them can do? This is turning into Gamefaqs quite quickly...

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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finally it has stopped

Yeah it has, but Kratos wins.

no shut up link wins if u use ur comon sense


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Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

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My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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well it is confirmed by the poll kratos pwns link


All hail Kratos!

Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink!
Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink!
Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink!
Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink!
Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink!
Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink!
Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink!
Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink!
Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink!
Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink! Link! Link! Liiiiiiiink!

That is all...