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Forums - Sony Discussion - Halo 3 Wins GOTY 2008. Wtf?

This is what happens when you let Americans vote.... you get W. Bush and G-Phoria.

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No SMG in game of the year or best soundtrack, no MKWii in best online multiplayer, no SSBB in best soundtrack = FAIL

I mean Halo 3 is a great game but I don't think it deserves GOTY haha. But it's not that surprising. Sales and voting are one in the same to tell ya the truth. The main thing to them is hype and appeal. So it's not surprising that overmarketed titles will get voted by the people as the best title.

Interesting fact: British magazine Edge gave their 2006 game of the Year to Final Fantasy was released in the UK in February 2007. Now that's impressive.

GOTY should be decided in a given January for the year previous. August isn't that.

Hmm, pie.


Wrong forum.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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What a joke...

But then Oblivion wasn't GOTY material either...