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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony sets 150m sales target for PS3,PS2 passes 140 million units !

reask said:
I would,nt be surprised if the ps4 is already been designed.

the ps3 has been A nightmare for sony they spent millions securing br and took there eye off the ball.

every console they sell loses money for them.

they are in third place by A long way half way into this gen.

sony will be glad to see the back of the ps3 imo.


 They probaly have a team who is design the ps4 but i think that ps3 will be out atleast long as the ps2.


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Tbone said:
reask said:
I would,nt be surprised if the ps4 is already been designed.

the ps3 has been A nightmare for sony they spent millions securing br and took there eye off the ball.

every console they sell loses money for them.

they are in third place by A long way half way into this gen.

sony will be glad to see the back of the ps3 imo.


 They probaly have a team who is design the ps4 but i think that ps3 will be out atleast long as the ps2.

No they will be trying to do next time what ms done this time, get out there first.






It's all very well to say that when new consoles are released, PS3 sales will start to slide. However, the PS3 is VERY powerful. If the new Xbox and Nintendo still can't overpower the PS3, Sony don't need to replace it. I have read that this is their stated aim, and if that's true, the PS3 can represent them again, only this time it will have price and a 50m install base headstart on its side. Since they always made their money from software anyway, why not?

Games machines owned: C64*, NES, SNES*, PS1, PS2*, PS3* (*still own).


12/9/2008 18:46 Australian CST - !!!I got my first trophy!!! Huzzah!!!

The PS3 is not so powerful that the next Xbox console will not surpass it.

That's just bogus hype from Sony regarding the CELL BE.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

The PS2 DVD player helped sell PS2's the first few years, but do you honestly think that people bought PS2 as a DVD player for the last 5 years when DVD players were less than half the price?

Blu Ray will only carry the PS3 for a year max, after that people won't be buying it as a blu ray player but a games machine, and it isn't that appealing as far as games go.

The cell really isn't as powerful as people think it is. it's been almost 2 years and there is still nothing on PS3 that stands out from the 360, any difference in favor of the PS3 will be minimal.

Microsoft said that they will outsell the PS3 this generation, a ridiculous claim everyone dismisses. Sony says Ps3 will outsell the PS2, an even more ridiculous claim, why do people believe that, is it because Sony said it so it must be true? Sony also said PS3 can do something no other console can do, real-time weapon change.

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ignore my previous posts, my cousin is prating about on vgcharts. on my pc.

150 million is a tall order, but i feel ps3 might be able to get near to that. ps3 wont stay £299 forever and sales for sonys console are increasing


...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

150 million? I want whatever he's smoking. That goes for anyone that says it's possible too. He must live in the world where the PS3 is the only console that exists.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Get him back my Instant Messaging his friends and saying something embarrassing.

The way I see it is the PS2 had a 72% market share and achieved 130 million. How are we supposed to expect the PS3 which has a 22.6% market share to exceed that total by 20 million?

The rEVOLution is not being televised