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The PS2 DVD player helped sell PS2's the first few years, but do you honestly think that people bought PS2 as a DVD player for the last 5 years when DVD players were less than half the price?

Blu Ray will only carry the PS3 for a year max, after that people won't be buying it as a blu ray player but a games machine, and it isn't that appealing as far as games go.

The cell really isn't as powerful as people think it is. it's been almost 2 years and there is still nothing on PS3 that stands out from the 360, any difference in favor of the PS3 will be minimal.

Microsoft said that they will outsell the PS3 this generation, a ridiculous claim everyone dismisses. Sony says Ps3 will outsell the PS2, an even more ridiculous claim, why do people believe that, is it because Sony said it so it must be true? Sony also said PS3 can do something no other console can do, real-time weapon change.