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Forums - Sony Discussion - If Sony doesnt cut the cost of the PS3 before Christmas

They won't cut the price. Be reasonable PS3 fanboys. They also want to be successful like MS in the current gen console industry. They just have to hope they can reduce the price of making one to the point where they can reduce the price and still make a profit like MS does. I think it will take another 1.5-2 yrs to break even and make a profit for SONY. By then I think it will be too late.

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sony said that they dont want to cut the price on ps3

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Gamers do not care if Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo lost money. All we care about is the best price. Only the shareholders or Company owners care about whether or not the company is profitable.
All price cuts are good news. If a faceless corporation makes a loss to deliver a price cut. Big deal.

Rock_on_2008 said:
I do not think gamers care whether or not Sony makes a loss with a price cut this year. Most PS3 owners are waiting for the PS3 to drop in price. $400 to $500 console in US is out of reach for a lot of people. $300 price tage now that is very price attractive.

PS3 price drop in US is unlikely. But a PS3 price drop in PAL region is possible before Xmas this year. PAL region pay double the price the US customers pay for all consoles.


You say that they own one and yet they are still waiting for the price to drop???

4 ≈ One

The 360 sales will certainly increase in NA but I don't think that guarantees a price cut for the PS3. Sony will be watching their own sales numbers more than the 360's. As long as they continue to hit their internal numbers they will not be in a position where they need to adjust price. As long as the PS3 sales don't drop there will be no reason to cut the price this year. Sony will continue to focus on increasing the value of the PS3 with services such as Home, the Playstation store, and video on demand. Cutting your price is a desperate move and it is not necessary at the moment.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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US is probably the last location for sony to drop the prices with the weak dollar they are selling a lot cheaper there allready than in europe.

Last reports on production costs of the ps3 were from jan this year where the costs should have been allready in the 400$ range, which gives them allready some nice profits of every console sold in Europe. But small losses for every us console sold. I'm not sure if and how much the production costs decreased in the last months, that depends probably mostly on possible cost reductions on the production of the blu-ray. (if i look at bd rom drives for computers over the last year then they are getting cheaper nearly every month so there might have been some further cost reductions in the last few months)

Add to that the fact that they have a new ps3 model with the shrinked gfx chip and maybe even with the shrinked cell planned for the 2nd half of 2008 means that soe might have a small margin for a small price drop for christmas to push sales if needed. But they are looking for profitability atm so i am not sure if it will happen in the us, in europe i am really expecting a pricedrop for christmas since the 400€ that the 40gb ps3 officially costs here are over 630$.

reverie said:

Sure $400 is too high for the mass market, but who says Sony has to sell at a loss in order to reach the mass market? Profitability is more important than market share.That is common business sense, everything else was hybris. They will just have to wait it out until component prices come down, which will probably not be this year.

If the PS3 really should have sold for $800 in 2006 and costs have come down 25% per year since then, they might just about break even on the hardware by the end of the year.

One thing to comfort them: It's much harder for XBox than for Playstation to sell into the mass market. Many PS2 owners will just wait another year before they upgrade to PS3, especially in Europe.

I think that is a very foolish thing to assume ...

Last generation there were (approximately) 170 Million consoles bought, and so far this generation we have already sold (roughly) 62 Million; approximately 36% of the previous generation total. By the end of 2008 we will be sitting pretty close to 85 Million consoles sold, and those consumers who are most likely to spend $300 or more on a console will own (at least) one console already.

In other words, people who owned a PS2 in the last generation do not appear to be waiting for Sony to get its act together.

Dgc1808 said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
I do not think gamers care whether or not Sony makes a loss with a price cut this year. Most PS3 owners are waiting for the PS3 to drop in price. $400 to $500 console in US is out of reach for a lot of people. $300 price tage now that is very price attractive.

PS3 price drop in US is unlikely. But a PS3 price drop in PAL region is possible before Xmas this year. PAL region pay double the price the US customers pay for all consoles.


You say that they own one and yet they are still waiting for the price to drop???

Potential/ future PS3 owners. I missed one or two words. Big deal.  Price is the main reason which draws customers. The PS3 is the most successful $600 launch console in history. Most consoles that launch over $500 price mark have failed miserably: Neo Geo, 3DO Pippen and some other consoles I can not remember. Price makes a difference.

A $50 price cut reduce price from $400-$500 down to $350-$450 would see a huge boost in PS3 sales. But it would probably happen next year like Benga Benga said after march 31, 2008. FF XIII launch could be the time the PS3 price cut is announced.


Rock_on_2008 said:
Dgc1808 said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
I do not think gamers care whether or not Sony makes a loss with a price cut this year. Most PS3 owners are waiting for the PS3 to drop in price. $400 to $500 console in US is out of reach for a lot of people. $300 price tage now that is very price attractive.

PS3 price drop in US is unlikely. But a PS3 price drop in PAL region is possible before Xmas this year. PAL region pay double the price the US customers pay for all consoles.


You say that they own one and yet they are still waiting for the price to drop???

Potential/ future PS3 owners. I missed one or two words. Big deal.  Price is the main reason which draws customers. The PS3 is the most successful $600 launch console in history. Most consoles that launch over $500 price mark have failed miserably: Neo Geo, 3DO Pippen and some other consoles I can not remember. Price makes a difference.

A $50 price cut reduce price from $400-$500 down to $350-$450 would see a huge boost in PS3 sales. But it would probably happen next year like Benga Benga said after march 31, 2008. FF XIII launch could be the time the PS3 price cut is announced.



I could definatly agree with that.

4 ≈ One

Well right now they're only doing really bad in US, somewhat decent in Japan and good in Others. I don't think that Sony's executives are happy with how sales are these days...