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Forums - Gaming Discussion - System RAM in PS3 and XBox 360 is like half a GB

As Windows evolves, it eats always more memory, Win 2000 was at little more than 200MB with only antivirus, firewall, antispyware and default services on, XP increased the requirements to a level that then was considered almost eccessive for the average memory equipped, but now is neglectable, but Vista has really excessive requirements for the average current PC. While consoles have streamlined OS's, with only carefully selected essential services on (mainly network), leaving almost all the memory to games. The HW is standard for all consoles of the same model, this allows more optimization, that on PC would require an impossible wor to address all the possible configurations. And as MikeB wrote, the engine may be modified to address strenghts and weaknesses of consoles HW compared to PC's.
And in favour of consoles, now comes the fact that still PCs are strongly tied to 32bit, making still difficult to make full use of 64bit addressing and more than 4GB RAM, the legacy SW, and HW too, with 64bit drivers still scarce, especially on older HW, is so strong that even Windows 7 will still have a 32bit version too, so the opportunity of Windows PCs as a whole architecture, not only a minority, to do a really huge jump in memory dotation compared to current gen consoles is postponed to a distant future, to the desktop version of Windows successive to "Vienna". This gives consoles manufacturers all the time they want to design the next generation so that their memory will fare well compared to that equipped by the average PCs available then. Moreover, if next gen comes before the second to next Windows version manages to shift a vast majority of users to 64bit, consoles could even have more usable RAM than average PCs for years and this could even menace Windows itself more than Linux and MacOSX. Current gen consoles felt short as general purpose home computers because of too little RAM for productivity bloatware, next gen could be adequate in every section and simpler than PCs. It would be ironic, quite like Dante's Inferno's "contrappasso" (talion) or greek tragedies' catastrophes because of hubris, if in its race against Sony MS started a thing bigger even than itself

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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I am not flaming and trolling. Do you understand those figures and diagram?

Err, yes?

The 360 CPU goes through the GPU to the main Ran, it's unified and can only be accessed by either CPU or GPU. In the PS3 memory architecture the GPU and CPU can both access the main RAM simultaneously.

Yes, still CELL can't really access 'local memory' and RSX is much slower when it tries to access CELL:s memory when you compare it to X360 architechture. The thing is that it is still fast enough. If there would be more memory, it would complicate things of course.

22.4 GB/s = 22937,6 MB/s , thats 764,6MB/s for each 1/30 second. So you can read the memory about 1.5 times in that time.

Maybe you don't understand the role of the EDRam in the diagram. It's important to understand all data first goes to the main RAM, from there it goes to the EDRam, sadly the EDRam amount is only limited to 10 MB, meaning at 720p with AA or HDR (the main purpose of the RAM) tiling will take place, data constantly moving in and out the EDRam/main RAM. If there would have been more EDRam it would have been a nice design, would there have been even less EDRam to work with this design would be useless.

Yes, it works like cache I know, thats why it must be so damn fast. Just think about, if CELL and RSX would have unified memory CELL would have been able assist RSX way beyond X360:s scope. Now it must sacrifice its own memory to assist with any post effects that need data from framebuffer and even to get that data it much bother RSX to send it.

You can always use multiple DVD:s. Usually devs on PC go for cheapest way.

Same on the consoles

Its not really the same, you can dump everything on harddrive on PC and there would be no disc swaps like there would be on X360.

Of course, researchers are even using the Cell to mimic parts of the human brain.

But it requires different game engine approaches than implemented in some games. Better, more intelligent approaches.

Of course its more intelligent aproach because it is THE CELL. Oh crap... This sony fud everywhere is making my head hurt. The best one was the one with Saddam & ps2. I just lolled so hard back then. Show me this study, which have used ONE ps3 to mimic parts of the human brain real time. Anyway whats the deal with this thing? This gen really can't simulate brains real time.

The faster the game the more relevant framerate becomes. 24 FPS is the framerate of holywood movies, some games are paced much quicker than movies thus can benefit from higher framerates.

Framerate is important with regard to movement perception. 24 frames per second can look perfectly smooth movement to the human eyes/brain.

Thats interlaced moving picture. Hopefully you know what that means. Actually 60 is smooth and human eye can usually see difference up to 100. Some ppl can do it even up to 120.

Not everything is done by GPU shaders in terms of effects. And yes, the Cell can help a lot in many different ways.

Yes, yes, CELL is the almighty processor that can do everything, I am sorry but its not. :)

What does cost have to do with this... I can buy one in a jiffy, but I don´t like a bigger screen on my desk. A HDTV in the living room is an entirely different situation for me, where I sit comfortably on the couch with a wireless controller in my hand or watch a high definition movie.

Because ppl usually buy moderate priced goods mostly. Btw, try using video projectors. Even they are cheaper than HDTV:s.

@ NJ5

Regarding that PC, that's just the bare hardware. Still needs a keyboard, mouse, dedicated monitor (a TV for consoles people usually own already), sound boxes and if you're not a pirate a copy of Windows. Some potential additional costs to take into consideration, if you don't already own a PC or own a laptop instead.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:

@ NJ5

Regarding that PC, that's just the bare hardware. Still need a keyboard, mouse, dedicated monitor (a TV for consoles people usually own already), sound boxes and if you're not a pirate a copy of Windows. Some potential additional costs to take into consideration.

I don't know a single person that would want to buy a moderate to high-end gaming PC that doesn't already have a computer from which they can garner a keyboard, mouse and monitor.  Probably uninstall then re-install a pre-existing copy of windows as well.

Come on Mike, consider the target market.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

@ Deneidez

Yes, still CELL can't really access 'local memory'

But why would you do that other than for some developer tests?

Game engine executable code is usually tiny, why would you need that much CPU memory? It's the textures and audio which usually take much memory. So it makes much more sense for the RSX to take advantage of the XDR Ram than it would be for the Cell to use the GDDR3. Again low latency is important to CPUs.

d RSX is much slower when it tries to access CELL:s memory when you compare it to X360 architechture

Latency isn't much of an issue for GPUs, bandwidth is the GPU can potentially can take advantage of both XDR and GDDR3 simultaneously to increase bandwidth (of course the CPU in such a situation will have to wait).

ts not really the same

I was referring to devs usually picking the cheapest solution available to them. (Actually it's probably the publisher which sets such requirements)

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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MikeB said:
@ Deneidez

Yes, still CELL can't really access 'local memory'

But why would you do that other than for some developer tests?

Game engine executable code is usually tiny, why would you need that much CPU memory? It's the textures and audio which usually take much memory. So it makes much more sense for the RSX to take advantage of the XDR Ram than it would be for the Cell to use the GDDR3. Again low latency is important to CPUs.


Because occlusion culling, animation, and physics is handled by the CPU and it needs full access to every vertex that makes up every polygon in the system; on top of this the CPU has to handle the loading, preloading and streaming of data from the disc.



But why would you do that other than for some developer tests? Game engine executable code is usually tiny, why would you need that much CPU memory? It's the textures and audio which usually take much memory. So it makes much more sense for the RSX to take advantage of the XDR Ram than it would be for the Cell to use the GDDR3. Again low latency is important to CPUs.

'Local memory' = RSX memory, how about if it would like to help RSX?(Yes, I know it can do it by sacrificing its own memory with current setup.) Also executables today aren't that 'tiny'. Especially if you have IoE-system and they take even more if you need to use lots of branch predicting. Uhm, where do you put for example all geometry, objects info(AI, health & stuff), let me guess you use just random numbers to 'simulate' game? :)

MikeB said:
@ NJ5

Actually, the thread title is wrong. On the PS3, system RAM is 256 MB (the other 256 MB are graphical memory). On the 360, there's no distinction between graphical/system memory, it's just a total of 512 MB to be divided as developers prefer.

Like on the PC, the PS3 setup is much better (twice the bandwidth). Of course should be noted both types of memory can be accessed by both the GPU and CPU.

The PS3's fast XDR Ram has very low latency which is very important to CPUs, especially for the Cell processor. Potentially if needed the GPU can access both types of RAM simultaneously, latency isn't much of an issue for GPUs (the RSX also has relatively large cache) and such an approach would significantly add bandwidth which is more important.

Man, you never fail me to spin the PS3. Even when the 2.4 update was making PS3 bricks, you are like this cat:

You should take lessons from Baghdad Bob. He said the U.S. soldiers were killing themselves and would die as soon as they entered Baghdad. As he was announcing it, U.S. tanks were rumbling past his building!

Please, wake up and stop trying to tout the PS3's supernatural abilities. It's pathetic when I see you post, I know it's gonna be all-pro Sony, lite on actual facts and devoid of unbiasness.

OT: RAM in consoles will always trail PCs. Why? You can open a PC up and add mad RAM. Not so much with a console, well, without voiding your warranty.


madskillz said:
MikeB said:
@ NJ5

Actually, the thread title is wrong. On the PS3, system RAM is 256 MB (the other 256 MB are graphical memory). On the 360, there's no distinction between graphical/system memory, it's just a total of 512 MB to be divided as developers prefer.

Like on the PC, the PS3 setup is much better (twice the bandwidth). Of course should be noted both types of memory can be accessed by both the GPU and CPU.

The PS3's fast XDR Ram has very low latency which is very important to CPUs, especially for the Cell processor. Potentially if needed the GPU can access both types of RAM simultaneously, latency isn't much of an issue for GPUs (the RSX also has relatively large cache) and such an approach would significantly add bandwidth which is more important.

Man, you never fail me to spin the PS3. Even when the 2.4 update was making PS3 bricks, you are like this cat:

You should take lessons from Baghdad Bob. He said the U.S. soldiers were killing themselves and would die as soon as they entered Baghdad. As he was announcing it, U.S. tanks were rumbling past his building!

Please, wake up and stop trying to tout the PS3's supernatural abilities. It's pathetic when I see you post, I know it's gonna be all-pro Sony, lite on actual facts and devoid of unbiasness.

OT: RAM in consoles will always trail PCs. Why? You can open a PC up and add mad RAM. Not so much with a console, well, without voiding your warranty.


I thought his accepted name was comical ali? You know, because it sounded like that other guy, chemical ali.


As good as the Cell is, due to the other parts of the ps3 consoles wouldn't stand up to a $2K+ pc right now. But who cares at the moment??? Major PC exclusives might not be playable for consoles, but that doesn't make the PC games more enjoyable now does it??? Most games developed these days are for consoles anyway...

4 ≈ One