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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 64% of ppl give up on Wii Fit

The poll has no reflection on length of ownership.

To assume everyone who claims to be using Wii Fit daily has been doing so for the 6+ months it's been out in Japan is a complete fallacy.

As with any exercise program, you will see a rapid rate of attrition after the first month and a gradual decline thereafter. Wii Fit is no different. It would be very generous to say that even a single digit percentage of regular users after six months of ownership would be high.

Unless one is completely bamboozled by the fact that they can use a game console AND get some exercise, as gamers love to validate and defend their hobby, people who use Wii Fit will realize in very short order that "playing" the game with the interest of getting in shape, is EXERCISE. It requires work, discipline and effort.

You can make a game out of exercising, but the process itself is not fun unless you're already inclined to exercise whether it's because you're an endorphin junky or actively training for an athletic event or sport.

To realize continual results/benefits, it requires the individual to continually turn up the wick to prevent a plateau. Eventually, those really dedicated to adopting a healthier lifestyle are in all likelihood going to stop using Wii Fit anyway as they graduate to something more rigorous that continues to give them results.

So if Wii Fit can turn people into a regular runners, and/or weight lifters who watch their diets in the interest of watching their weight, MISSION SUCCESS.

Around the Network
DMeisterJ said:
DKII said:

Erm so 22% of readers of a tech magazine use Wiifit every single day like 8 months after it launched? That's pretty awesome.  Don't pay attention to the typical Kotaku anti-Wii bias.

Kotaku is Anti-Wii?

In Recent times... Extremely so...


HappySqurriel said:
CrazzyMan said:
Negative Wii news. =))


 I know, more people play Wii Fit on a daily basis than have bought the best selling PS3 game in Japan ... Awful news

What PS3 game has to do with THIS news? Trolling too much? LoLz. =))

p.s. LoL, how Wii fans trying to spin of other people choices. =))) Just continue to stay in denial, that makes Fun. =]

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

CrazzyMan said:

Just continue to stay in denial, that makes Fun. =]

OMG, that is priceless!

Shocking, I thought modern man loved physical activity (besides sex). Poor numbers out of context but as a person who trains a lot and has seen many attempt the same; the percenatge of people who stick with a conventional training regime is staggeringly low (think New Years Resolution here) and certainly a lot lower than this.
All in all though, certainly expected, and I'm sure no one in here were foolish enough to think that this product would change forever the lives of everyone who purchased it.

Around the Network

It's really not that good a poll. The number of respondants are fine. Really, 1000 people is good enough to estimate the population, given that it's a random sample. Readers of one and the same magazine is usually not what I would call a random sample.

Then the poll misses out on how long people have owned the Wii Fit, that's to be considered an important factor as well.

Finally, it's an internet poll. Are they ever reliable?

So in the end, the poll doesn't really tell us anything, other than that out of the people reading that magazine (online?) responding to that poll, 22% use their wii fit regularly, not considering when or for how long they have owned it, and 64% never really played it. More information than we had before, but not really relevant.

This is invisible text!

Mummelmann said:
Shocking, I thought modern man loved physical activity (besides sex). Poor numbers out of context but as a person who trains a lot and has seen many attempt the same; the percenatge of people who stick with a conventional training regime is staggeringly low (think New Years Resolution here) and certainly a lot lower than this.
All in all though, certainly expected, and I'm sure no one in here were foolish enough to think that this product would change forever the lives of everyone who purchased it.

Some actually did. Lol

I seem to recall hearing from at least one poster that the "Next Generation" of gaming officially started with Wii Fit.

Others seemed to think that Wii Fit would instantly sell millions of copies in NA because the US is a nation of obese fatties and is therefore the biggest market for such a product. Also running under the assumption that as a nation of fatties, millions of Americans will instantly go out and buy a Wii just so they can buy and use Wii Fit to become exercise gurus and model specimens of perfect health. Sarcasm well intended.

I think that most people who love physical activity don't need Wii Fit to begin with. Wii Fit is a good set of training wheels to get mainly inactive people into a healthier mindset with a more active lifestyle. And if it can do that for even 10% of all people who buy it, I consider that a success.

People who already exercise can still use Wii Fit as a supplement or to warm up even if it is an invonvenience to have to use a game console before doing a work out.

From a sales standpoint, it doesn't matter who is actually using Wii Fit, it only matters that people continue to buy it.


CrazzyMan said:
HappySqurriel said:
CrazzyMan said:
Negative Wii news. =))


 I know, more people play Wii Fit on a daily basis than have bought the best selling PS3 game in Japan ... Awful news

What PS3 game has to do with THIS news? Trolling too much? LoLz. =))

p.s. LoL, how Wii fans trying to spin of other people choices. =))) Just continue to stay in denial, that makes Fun. =]


 but this is only a poll of 1000 people

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Even if you took a poll of every user who uploaded their data to the Nintendo network, I don't think you'd see much more favorable numbers.

And sure, someone is going to say that everyone who uploads their data to the Nintendo network STILL doesn't reflect who's actually using Wii Fit (true), it's safe to say that everyone who is using it is NOT refraining from keeping their console from uploading their user data to the network either.

^you rally think 64% dont play it,i doubt it,check the nintendo channel the average play time for ii fit is increasing alot,of though new owners drop down the average

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"