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Mummelmann said:
Shocking, I thought modern man loved physical activity (besides sex). Poor numbers out of context but as a person who trains a lot and has seen many attempt the same; the percenatge of people who stick with a conventional training regime is staggeringly low (think New Years Resolution here) and certainly a lot lower than this.
All in all though, certainly expected, and I'm sure no one in here were foolish enough to think that this product would change forever the lives of everyone who purchased it.

Some actually did. Lol

I seem to recall hearing from at least one poster that the "Next Generation" of gaming officially started with Wii Fit.

Others seemed to think that Wii Fit would instantly sell millions of copies in NA because the US is a nation of obese fatties and is therefore the biggest market for such a product. Also running under the assumption that as a nation of fatties, millions of Americans will instantly go out and buy a Wii just so they can buy and use Wii Fit to become exercise gurus and model specimens of perfect health. Sarcasm well intended.

I think that most people who love physical activity don't need Wii Fit to begin with. Wii Fit is a good set of training wheels to get mainly inactive people into a healthier mindset with a more active lifestyle. And if it can do that for even 10% of all people who buy it, I consider that a success.

People who already exercise can still use Wii Fit as a supplement or to warm up even if it is an invonvenience to have to use a game console before doing a work out.

From a sales standpoint, it doesn't matter who is actually using Wii Fit, it only matters that people continue to buy it.