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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Left 4 Dead videos

Well, never played Natural Selection, but Battlefield is pretty barren of people with mics. You might hear 1 guy a round with a mic, and Battlefield is screaming for strategizing, and the servers are full of players all the time. Not saying all mods are bad, just the majority. I loved TF for Quake, and a mod called Battle of the Sexes for Q2. Never cared at all for counter-strike. Tried it when it first came out and tried it again a little while ago, and still wasn't into it.

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starcraft said:
This game is looking like 27 different kinds of awesome.

I have to get better internet and go online NOW!

I think you've got another 90+ game to go on your 360 list.

My prediction? This game will sell 4-7 Million. This game will also move between 250,000-500,000 Xbox360s. My reason? The Coop nature of this game will make people get their friends to buy a 360 just so they can play together online. Not only that, but Microsoft will make a tonne of money just because there will be a lot of people signing up to live because of this game.

Woot, maybe this is the Halo effect for 2008?

Im so looking forward to all these awesome Coop games. I think we need to get a Coop league going to get people together on this site.




JaggedSac said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Also, 360? It hopefully will be a quality title on the 360, and if that's your option, definitely get this game.

But I will continue to highly recommend the PC version of Valve games over console options...they're very scalable (work well on older PCs), and they're simply designed best for a keyboard and mouse, as well as Steam's features...including a Matchmaking service they plan on rolling out with Left 4 Dead. It'll be a feature that matches you with people of similar skill and experience, and they'll roll back this feature into many other games, like TF2 and'll be very helpful.

But other than that, the main reason to go PC is that they'll support PC the most with patches and updates. If you want the exclusive "shopping mall" level that you just KNOW is going to be released a couple months after the game comes out, you'll be SOL on the consoles, unless things change.

As for the cinematic qualities, I have no problem with them; it's their artistic choice. Film grain in Mass Effect kinda bothered me, but if it works in Left 4 Dead I'll keep it. I liked what I saw in these videos, other than maybe a little too much black and white...the colors should come back a little I would think.


Congratulations for Valve, they are implementing something that Live has had since the original XBox, and sadly, voice communication is not quite as ubiquitous on pc(edit: hardly at all) as it is on Live, which seems like something that will be very useful for the co-op play.  Keyboard and mouse is better though, and I have never cared for mods because the vast, vast majority are shoddy shit.

Huh?  I play TF2 all the time and in most servers I'd say about half the server talks on their mics...

And as for the other half, we probably don't want to hear them because they're whiney kids like you get on Live.

Trust me, 4 people playing L4D on PC will all be using their mics...I'm not sure what games you've been playing.  If you played something like COD4, then maybe...nobody talks in that game...but that's because it's a personally focused game, not a strict multiplayer game.

I wasn't bashing Live, and I wouldn't be so quick to bash Valve about matchmaking...I can do the same for Live, you can be matched with people of equal skill, but can you pick specific servers?  Can you build a community by visiting a favorite server where people in clans and such can go easily?  The server system combined with the Friends system on Steam has proven to be far more useful than Live's simple matchmaking...the addition of matchmaking on Steam simply adds more features on top of the existing stuff.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

cant wait to try out this game

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

JaggedSac said:

Well, never played Natural Selection, but Battlefield is pretty barren of people with mics. You might hear 1 guy a round with a mic, and Battlefield is screaming for strategizing, and the servers are full of players all the time. Not saying all mods are bad, just the majority. I loved TF for Quake, and a mod called Battle of the Sexes for Q2. Never cared at all for counter-strike. Tried it when it first came out and tried it again a little while ago, and still wasn't into it.


 Same experience here with ET:Quake Wars on PC. Very advanced (and awesome) team player game, yet in a team of 16 players (plus the ppl that come in and out during a game) only 1-3 people talks into his mic during a whole game of 20 minutes. Most often you are in totally silent games though.

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Whoow! This looks totally awesome!

Something in the vein of 28 Days/Weeks later, or that part in I am Legend with the dog running of in the dark building!

Really awesome!!!


Now I'm trully bumbed that this won't be coming out on PS3... Hmmm, will buy the PC version then!


so for what will you guys be getting it for?pc or 360?
im getting it for pc

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Slimebeast said:
JaggedSac said:

Well, never played Natural Selection, but Battlefield is pretty barren of people with mics. You might hear 1 guy a round with a mic, and Battlefield is screaming for strategizing, and the servers are full of players all the time. Not saying all mods are bad, just the majority. I loved TF for Quake, and a mod called Battle of the Sexes for Q2. Never cared at all for counter-strike. Tried it when it first came out and tried it again a little while ago, and still wasn't into it.


Same experience here with ET:Quake Wars on PC. Very advanced (and awesome) team player game, yet in a team of 16 players (plus the ppl that come in and out during a game) only 1-3 people talks into his mic during a whole game of 20 minutes. Most often you are in totally silent games though.


Yeah,  I know how it is.  I played some TF2 as well and I do not remember people talking at all.  Maybe there are servers with more people talking than others.

JaggedSac said:
Slimebeast said:
JaggedSac said:

Well, never played Natural Selection, but Battlefield is pretty barren of people with mics. You might hear 1 guy a round with a mic, and Battlefield is screaming for strategizing, and the servers are full of players all the time. Not saying all mods are bad, just the majority. I loved TF for Quake, and a mod called Battle of the Sexes for Q2. Never cared at all for counter-strike. Tried it when it first came out and tried it again a little while ago, and still wasn't into it.


Same experience here with ET:Quake Wars on PC. Very advanced (and awesome) team player game, yet in a team of 16 players (plus the ppl that come in and out during a game) only 1-3 people talks into his mic during a whole game of 20 minutes. Most often you are in totally silent games though.


Yeah,  I know how it is.  I played some TF2 as well and I do not remember people talking at all.  Maybe there are servers with more people talking than others.

Maybe one out of five TF2 servers don't use mics and co-ordinate strategy.  And you know what? Since it's a PC it's actually easy to switch servers if that's a problem.

You do not want to compare Live to Steam... that will end extremely badly for XBL.  Pretending any console service compares to PC online multiplayer is honestly just laughable.

Release date:


Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."