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JaggedSac said:

Well, never played Natural Selection, but Battlefield is pretty barren of people with mics. You might hear 1 guy a round with a mic, and Battlefield is screaming for strategizing, and the servers are full of players all the time. Not saying all mods are bad, just the majority. I loved TF for Quake, and a mod called Battle of the Sexes for Q2. Never cared at all for counter-strike. Tried it when it first came out and tried it again a little while ago, and still wasn't into it.


 Same experience here with ET:Quake Wars on PC. Very advanced (and awesome) team player game, yet in a team of 16 players (plus the ppl that come in and out during a game) only 1-3 people talks into his mic during a whole game of 20 minutes. Most often you are in totally silent games though.