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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Top 5 Xbox 360 Games PS3 Fanboys Wish They Had

All of them except Dead Rising are on the PC or will be in the near future and two of them are not yet released. I think the list fails a little to be honest, at least in my eyes. That said; the list of PS3 games also fails rather hard imo.
While people bitch and bicker over these titles I'll sit back and enjoy Zenoclash, Spore, Half-Life 2: Episode 3, Civ 5 and Starcraft II, guess which of us will have the most hours of fun ahead of him/her?

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your list fails. Ps3 already has it's own overhyped shooting games for it.

Ninja gaiden II
Eternal Sonata
Lost odyssey
blue dragon

That's about it.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

gengka said:

me as a ps3 owner does not see any problem for starcraft to open this thread. its his personal opinion, his thoughts on the possibilites of these 5 games are wanted by we ps3 owners. we can choose to agree or disagree with him in a peaceful mood :)

i agree on gears of war series and fable 2. we cant deny the sheer quality of gears of war 1, it is really a fantastic and thrilling game. and as a FPS, the story is not bad either. and as a rpg fan, fable 2 really is my cup of tea. but i cannot b so sure about this because i never see fable 1 before, if it plays as good as it looks when it is released i will definitely hope i can play it on my ps3.

But for mass effect, well i dont know. although its a rpg but it just doesnt feel right for me. mayb b sci-fi rpg is really not my cup of tea. and i was never impressed by halo and dead rising either.

to be honest to ourselves, everyone of us who owns only 1 console, at least will have some games on the other consoles that we wanna play but we cant. ppl are always greedy :P for Wii i wanna play SMG and zelda series, and wario is damn funny to play! but i was not impressed by wii sports and wiifit.

starcraft do u have any ps3 games that u hope u can play on ur xbox360? :) i am just curious to know ur thoughts, dun worry

Actually its the opinion of the guy who wrote the article.

As for games I wish I could play on the Xbox 360?

God of War 3 and Final Fantasy Versus.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

the only good one are already on pc, i have them. Fable 1 was a horrible game why people think fable 2 will be good?

Why do half the people here hate Fable, and the other half love it (is this just an RPG trend that half love and half hate, like marmite!)

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The games I'm most jealous for as a PS3 owner would be

1.) Lost Odyssey
2.) Fable 2
3.) Eternal Sonata
4.) Gears of War
5.) Mass Effect - the bugs.

Gears of war and mass effect can be bought for PC ;-;, but I still wouldn't mind those games on PS3. Bioshock used to be damn near up at the top, but recent news has relieved that pain ^^

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

"Fable 1 was a horrible game"

Oooo ... Yes! I believe you! Haha. That is why I played it 3 times. Fable was one of the best WRPG out there.

Ok, from another ps3 owner (me):

Dead Rising - Yes, that I kind of would like to have.
Fable 2 - Nope, not for me.
Mass Effect - Nope, not for me.
Gears 1/2 - Yes definately, Gears 1 was great and 2 will probably be good as well.
Halo 3 - Not really that interested, but maybe I would've got it had it been on a system I owned.

Other games I would've liked on the ps3:
PGR4 - Great driving game
Rez HD - I'm almost willing to buy a X360 for this game

Well...that is pretty much it I think. There are some promising games coming in the future though that will probably add to the list.
The zombie-game from Valve springs to mind (can't remember the name).

Fable 2 and Halo 3 will come to PC.

Mass Effect and Gears are ALREADY on PC..

now, I don't know about you, I really don't need a 360 to play those games.

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)
boycop said:
The link starcraft is referring to is now "Top 5 PS3 Games That 360 Fanboys Wish They Had" and contains stuff like:

5. Final Fantasy XIII

Although the 360 does have Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, both of which come directly from the man behind FF himself, there really isn’t a JRPG to be found on the 360 that comes anywhere close to matching Final Fantasy. It’s even quite possible that no other JRPG will ever out do this longstanding franchise. To have the next chapter appear on the 360 would be a delight for any owner, and even the ones that don’t enjoy RPG’s would revel in their counterparts’ anguish of losing one of Sony’s most important exclusives. Yes, the 360 did receive Final Fantasy XI, but everyone knows how MMO games usually pan out on Microsoft’s console. We’re sure that most 360 gamers are still praying for the true arrival of this franchise, rather some shotty port of a lesser entry in the series.

4. Grand Turismo 5

Racing genre junkies who own both Xbox consoles have always been able to rely on getting their fix with the Project Gotham Racing series, but when it comes to the true gear heads that put motor oil in their breakfast cereal, no other series will substitute GT (not even you Forza). With over 900 cars, GT 5 offers a plethora of racing possibilities, and let’s not forget those stunning graphics that make us feel like a deer caught in a pair of virtual headlights that can’t quite comprehend what it’s seeing. The only real comfort 360 owners can take in having to live without this franchise is that PS3 gamers may not be able to enjoy the full game until after 2009.

3. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

There aren’t many other games quite like Uncharted in general, let alone on the 360. With its intuitive mix of platforming, puzzle solving, and straight up shooting, Uncharted delivers a blockbuster of an adventure that could compete with any summer movie release, and would surely please gamers of either platfom. Not only is Uncharted an important title for its genre, but it also symbolizes the great gaming that can be had on the PS3 as one of the best titles the system has to offer. We can’t really think of any good substitute on the 360 that offers the same style and story that Uncharted does, which makes it one of the most envied PS3 games of all. Although the series is just starting out, don’t bother hoping for a reverse BioShock effect, as Sony owns the developer, Naughty Dog.

2. Resistance 1&2

We can list Japanese RPG games or racing sims until HD-DVD makes a comeback, but the truth is that what 360 gamers really live for are First Person Shooters, so much that we didn’t use the usual acronym. Yes, the 360 is by no means suffering any shortage in the shooter market, but the genre is so near and dear to many who own the console that some jealousy is to be expected at seeing PS3 owners enjoying one FPS franchise that Xbox owners cannot. It’s like taking a Star Wars fan and a Trekkie, then giving the latter a lock of George Lucas’ hair. With the sequel’s promise of even more nifty weaponry and an astonishing 60 player online component, the Resistance games offer a very real FPS experience that just plain can’t be found on the 360. Blasphemy isn’t it?

1. Metal Gear Solid 4

MGS 4 makes it to the top of our list not only because it happens to be the timeliest (releasing this week), but the incredible history of rampant speculation concerning a 360 version point to one thing: Xbox gamers want it BAD. Maybe the root of all this vague hope can be traced back to the taste of the franchise that Substance gave to the original Xbox, or perhaps the envy spawns from all the notoriety the series has in general. Even the most ardent 360 fanboy cannot deny that the Metal Gear Solid series is a hallmark in the history of videogames, offering unrivaled stealth action with a storyline worthy of excessively long cutscenes. Naturally, the most loyal Xbox owner would deny any desire to play it, but don’t think for a second that a 360 port of MGS 4 would be any less successful than former Sony exclusive Grand Theft Auto.

Who ever wrote it sucks, where is God of War 3? If we're putting unreleased games in the list.


PSN ID: clemens-nl