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Ok, from another ps3 owner (me):

Dead Rising - Yes, that I kind of would like to have.
Fable 2 - Nope, not for me.
Mass Effect - Nope, not for me.
Gears 1/2 - Yes definately, Gears 1 was great and 2 will probably be good as well.
Halo 3 - Not really that interested, but maybe I would've got it had it been on a system I owned.

Other games I would've liked on the ps3:
PGR4 - Great driving game
Rez HD - I'm almost willing to buy a X360 for this game

Well...that is pretty much it I think. There are some promising games coming in the future though that will probably add to the list.
The zombie-game from Valve springs to mind (can't remember the name).