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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu reports : Nearly 500,000 for Metal Gear Solid 4 in Japan.

WoW thats amazing for such a dead console. I predict that HW sales will drop to about 20-30k next week then probably go back to the original sales. Off Topic: I don't know since I haven't been here for long, but doesn't Starcraft's post make him a troll in this thread?

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SnakeEyez said:
WoW thats amazing for such a dead console. I predict that HW sales will drop to about 20-30k next week then probably go back to the original sales. Off Topic: I don't know since I haven't been here for long, but doesn't Starcraft's post make him a troll in this thread?

Completely dead... especially with FF XIII coming


SnakeEyez said:
WoW thats amazing for such a dead console. I predict that HW sales will drop to about 20-30k next week then probably go back to the original sales. Off Topic: I don't know since I haven't been here for long, but doesn't Starcraft's post make him a troll in this thread?

Of course not.  I simply pointed out a misconception on MikeB's part.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

This is exactly what I predicted, nobody expected the PS3 to nearly outsell the wii 2 to 1 in japan.

Though its just one week, one week doesnt matter much, even with that said Im going to be monitoring hardware and software progress for the PS3 in japan, I want to see exactly how popular MGS has gotten.



@ Bitmap Frogs

Yeah, and the ps2 shoots missiles... yawn sony and its marketing lackeys always pimping the non-existing über-high tech aspect.

The PS2 did great and they made the right choice with regard to chosing DVD over CD (the Dreamcast war has been long forgotten, regarding the pricey useless choice for DVD ) I am very impressed with God of War 2.

The PS2 was not specced to move into PC gaming territory, the PS3 however is much better specced for this (HDTV support vs monitor, universal mouse & keyboard support, more raw processing performance than most currently sold PCs, etc)

when it was implemented and the 512mb of ram are a hard-limit that's crippling both HD consoles

There's no exact hard limit, in many ways there are workarounds like using the available bandwidth and harddrive for streaming. 512 MB on an efficient console is not the same as 512MB in terms of potential on an inefficient PC setup.

Tell me how much RAM does the NeoGeo have? How come similar games were vastly superior on the NeoGeo than on a 1990 PC setup sporting so many multiple times its amount of RAM. Seriously try to answer this question, I am curious to see your explanation. (BTW porting PC style game engine to suit the Neo Geo architecture does not work well if at all)

Was this due to its 68000 CPU first introduced in 1979 or its impressive z80 co-processor first introduced in 1976?

RSX was already old when it was implemented

You probably mean to refer to some PC graphic cards on the PC which cost more than a full PS3 with Blu-Ray drive, harddrive, Cell processor, etc, etc?

The RSX is has more raw performance than the Xenos.

many devs are having trouble rendering at 720p because the gfx chip is fill-rate limited

The fillrate is similar, but the Cell is well suited to take on fillrate related tasks.

Can't wait you to spout the line about TEH CELL POWERZ(tm) which is a wonderful sell because the audience is eager to buy promises

Makes sense to mention the Cell as that's something the RSX has been adapted for. The Cell is excellently suited to pre-process and post-process RSX related stuff.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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yes i really do. I dont base this on opnion but on various interviews with 360 spokesmen. Early on the 360 rlease, 360 was asked why they didnt include a next gen disc drive. 360's answer was as they were ensure what would succeed; the blue ray format or teh hd format. 360 was hoping the hd format to succeed obviously or they would have to purchase a blue ray rights ob sony, meaning 360 game which sell,s sony will profit on it too :S

Remember, as graphichs get better, a.i. gets better, sounds getsbetter and content increases, more disc space is needed.

Before the current gen consoles were released, varius games on the ps2 and xbox required 2-3-4 dvds. How is it possible that this gen can make better games with higher qulaity graphics etc without using a greater disc format.

This is why PS3 although late in release has had a big gamble of the inclusion of blue ray now paid off. If you search online you wil find various articles where you will find 360 spokes people admitting to now fainally having to start to implement plans of a blue ray drive.

If they don't, the games on 360 will never be able to step up in content. It's a shame but thats what the 360 deserves for cutting corners (in my opinion). this also makes you think, although less expensive, is it worth it to ahve a console which u need to constantly pay extratowards for upgrades? :S



starcraft said:
Ail said:
starcraft said:
Ail said:
Ok so based on your posting I have a question Starcraft, if the PS3 is so detrimental to those small developers but by some miracle the Xbox360 isn't.

Where are those small developers made games on the 360 that made heaps of money ?

Back up your rhetoric with facts !

"Never mind the damage the console has done to many smaller developers that have been forced to succumb to acquisitions. To a smaller extent, the Xbox 360 has been guilty of that same sin, though it mitigates it to a large extent through ease of development and ease of cross-development with PC."

Next time read my posts more comprehensively if you wish to pass comment on them.


I did.

So what are your examples of development costs mitigated by cross-developement with PC that led to successfull small developers success on the 360 ?

Looks to me like your whole post is just opinion based and you don't have anything to back the fact that you do not put the 360 in the same bucket as the PS3.

Theres one.  They are all over the place, feel free to Google them.  Thats the first one I found looking down a list.

Its funny.  MikeB offered no evidence to support his claims, which were extremely unreasonable and outlandish, and yet they go unquestioned from you.  Do you really think its appropriate for you to be accusing me of bias?


I ask for an example of a small developer successfull on 360 thanks to cross PC-development. you give me a link to a developer that failed on PS3.

Answer the question much will you ?


You pick on MikeB but you are not much better. About everyone this gen puts development on the PS3 and the 360 in the same league yet you go to great lenght to explain us how it is different on the 360 and PS3 is the only villain.

Besides lets be honest, gaming market grew as a whole this gen. Did some small developers shut their door, sure ?

But overall the market grew.

Do you go on strike each time a Wall Mart opens and small grocerie store closes ? I bet nope...

It's the same thing in every industry so I really fail to understand why small developers are so special but small grocerie stores, small car makers and so on are different...

As long as the overall market grows, we win...

Now if your whole post was a rant about the evil of capitalism and how progress kills small companies maybe I could understand, but is that your goal ? And if it is, seeing how you are one of the biggest supporter of Microsoft, one of the pillar of capitalism, I find your posts rather ironic......... 


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
starcraft said:
Ail said:
starcraft said:
Ail said:
Ok so based on your posting I have a question Starcraft, if the PS3 is so detrimental to those small developers but by some miracle the Xbox360 isn't.

Where are those small developers made games on the 360 that made heaps of money ?

Back up your rhetoric with facts !

"Never mind the damage the console has done to many smaller developers that have been forced to succumb to acquisitions. To a smaller extent, the Xbox 360 has been guilty of that same sin, though it mitigates it to a large extent through ease of development and ease of cross-development with PC."

Next time read my posts more comprehensively if you wish to pass comment on them.


I did.

So what are your examples of development costs mitigated by cross-developement with PC that led to successfull small developers success on the 360 ?

Looks to me like your whole post is just opinion based and you don't have anything to back the fact that you do not put the 360 in the same bucket as the PS3.

Theres one. They are all over the place, feel free to Google them. Thats the first one I found looking down a list.

Its funny. MikeB offered no evidence to support his claims, which were extremely unreasonable and outlandish, and yet they go unquestioned from you. Do you really think its appropriate for you to be accusing me of bias?


I ask for an example of a small developer successfull on 360 thanks to cross PC-development. you give me a link to a developer that failed on PS3.

Answer the question much will you ?


You pick on MikeB but you are not much better. About everyone this gen puts development on the PS3 and the 360 in the same league yet you go to great lenght to explain us how it is different on the 360 and PS3 is the only villain.

Besides lets be honest, gaming market grew as a whole this gen. Did some small developers shut their door, sure ?

But overall the market grew.

Do you go on strike each time a Wall Mart opens and small grocerie store closes ? I bet nope...

It's the same thing in every industry so I really fail to understand why small developers are so special but small grocerie stores, small car makers and so on are different...

As long as the overall market grows, we win...

Now if your whole post was a rant about the evil of capitalism and how progress kills small companies maybe I could understand, but is that your goal ? And if it is, seeing how you are one of the biggest supporter of Microsoft, one of the pillar of capitalism, I find your posts rather ironic.........



I kind of agree with the main point as both 360 and PS3 are contributing to that problem, but to say that we don't need small companies is not right.  We need the small budget games along with the large ones, and downloadable games is a step in the right direction, but it's not good enough. 

What do small grocery stores sell the customers that big ones don't?  I can name all kinds of reasons why low budget games are good.  Video games is moving towards hollywood, you know the one where they have absolutely no creativity anymore.  The one where people don't want to take risks anymore.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Prelim data in the Japan Preview was ~460k...pretty close.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

Only in a mikeB post, RAM isn't a hard limit. I wonder why you are spreading BS on console forums instead of selling your magical code that allows to bypass the amount of RAM on board.

Anyways, shouldn't you be updating your "Fanboy analysis of next-gen HD consoles" at neogaf? Oh wait, you got laughed out of that thread.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).