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Forums - Sony Discussion - How Sony created the casual Non gamers before nintendo

Still in Stage 2, are we?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

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This is tangential to the topic, but I'm curious why we're still clinging to this artificial divide between "casual" and "Snobcore" gamers. When we can't even decide amongst ourselves whether a game is "casual" or "hardcore", why do we try so fervently to cull some gamers from "our" ranks by calling them "casual", or even "non-gamers." If you're playing games, then you're a gamer. Period. It doesn't matter whether you're into SRPGs or puzzle games.

So rather than saying "Sony created teh casualz first" or whatnot, why don't we all just acknowledge that Nintendo's strategies led to a lot of people playing games on their NESs, Sony's strategies had similar results for the Playstations, and now Nintendo's bringing in even more people with the DS and Wii. But for God's sake, people, let's move beyond this casual/hardcore bullshit the media's been forcing on us for the past two years.

mesoteto said:
Dno said:
mesoteto said:
swyggi said:
@users being ignorant: Reading is good for you.

But seriously, the OP does have a point. The PS2 did bring in a lot of newcomers with different types of games. Nintendo really didn't do this in the SNES and NES era because that's when gaming first started and people were skeptical back then with video games.
Atari says hi.....more fail....


yea cause Atari was a awesome system with super cool sales that all casuals bought.......


your posts are all fails i dont understand why you post sometimes. if you dont agree then dont try to troll. just speak why you dont agree in a better manner.

 dude your argument wasnt a pissing contest b/t who sold more but who was responsible for starting the market up


""yes nintendo brought about 50 millions Hardcore and casual gamers in.... but sony brought 120 million hardcore and casuals in with the ps2 (not even counting the ps2)...thats means sony hit a much bigger market then nintendo has ever done so far which also means sony brought in the casuals and nintendo is building on that......"


or did you forget that, i know shiny things can distract you guy.....focus now


like other have proven already casual gamers have been around long before the Ps2....try 

Your such a troll i dont no why i grace you with my replys but i will play.. sales of 120 million people (fact) means a far greater amount of people bought the ps2 no? Sales of 50 (fact) mean far less people played the system? So common sense would mean sony hit a bigger market of casuals AND hardcore then nintendo. I do like shiny colors a lot but i know math and it seems you dont.........

dtewi said:
Still in Stage 2, are we?



1.The casual gaming boom wasn't really on any console, but on PC

Flash games on the internet, say hi!

Solitaire, say H-E-L-L-O

Casual gaming was wayyyyyyy before the PS2


Pong sais Hi, Pac Man is pissed too, and you hurt red 'U' blocks feelings from Tetris

3. Atari says hi.....more fail....

4. NES and SNES say hi.

How many more uninvited guests are we going to get today?

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

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I can't vouche for anyone else - but I'm at work and well, saw the thread and... yea.. I really don't know. I guess boredom?

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Dno said:
mesoteto said:
Dno said:
mesoteto said:
swyggi said:
@users being ignorant: Reading is good for you.

But seriously, the OP does have a point. The PS2 did bring in a lot of newcomers with different types of games. Nintendo really didn't do this in the SNES and NES era because that's when gaming first started and people were skeptical back then with video games.
Atari says hi.....more fail....


yea cause Atari was a awesome system with super cool sales that all casuals bought.......


your posts are all fails i dont understand why you post sometimes. if you dont agree then dont try to troll. just speak why you dont agree in a better manner.

 dude your argument wasnt a pissing contest b/t who sold more but who was responsible for starting the market up


""yes nintendo brought about 50 millions Hardcore and casual gamers in.... but sony brought 120 million hardcore and casuals in with the ps2 (not even counting the ps2)...thats means sony hit a much bigger market then nintendo has ever done so far which also means sony brought in the casuals and nintendo is building on that......"


or did you forget that, i know shiny things can distract you guy.....focus now


like other have proven already casual gamers have been around long before the Ps2....try 


Your such a troll i dont no why i grace you with my replys but i will play.. sales of 120 million people (fact) means a far greater amount of people bought the ps2 no? Sales of 50 (fact) mean far less people played the system? So common sense would mean sony hit a bigger market of casuals AND hardcore then nintendo. I do like shiny colors a lot but i know math and it seems you dont.........

The PS2 sold 120 Million and NES 50 Million, yes, but that does not mean they established the casual market, rather expanded it.

Also, I doubt Nintendo created the casual market at all, rather expanded it as well. While it may not have been on purpose, the arcade era I bet there were many casual gamers, because most would agree that Pac-Man and Pong is casual.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

a lot of casual gaming occured on the playstation consoles but i don't feel like sony had much to do with it. listing off the most important games that brought new gamers into our community (imo):

super mario bros.
guitar hero
wii sports/fit
grand theft auto

i can't think of a single game made buy sony that really reached out and grab the attention of new gamers.

Stage 2 is Anger.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Dno said:
mesoteto said:
Dno said:
mesoteto said:
swyggi said:
@users being ignorant: Reading is good for you.

But seriously, the OP does have a point. The PS2 did bring in a lot of newcomers with different types of games. Nintendo really didn't do this in the SNES and NES era because that's when gaming first started and people were skeptical back then with video games.
Atari says hi.....more fail....


yea cause Atari was a awesome system with super cool sales that all casuals bought.......


your posts are all fails i dont understand why you post sometimes. if you dont agree then dont try to troll. just speak why you dont agree in a better manner.

dude your argument wasnt a pissing contest b/t who sold more but who was responsible for starting the market up


""yes nintendo brought about 50 millions Hardcore and casual gamers in.... but sony brought 120 million hardcore and casuals in with the ps2 (not even counting the ps2)...thats means sony hit a much bigger market then nintendo has ever done so far which also means sony brought in the casuals and nintendo is building on that......"


or did you forget that, i know shiny things can distract you guy.....focus now


like other have proven already casual gamers have been around long before the Ps2....try


Your such a troll i dont no why i grace you with my replys but i will play.. sales of 120 million people (fact) means a far greater amount of people bought the ps2 no? Sales of 50 (fact) mean far less people played the system? So common sense would mean sony hit a bigger market of casuals AND hardcore then nintendo. I do like shiny colors a lot but i know math and it seems you dont.........

that’s nice and all but that is called "scarecrow" augmenting--you are ignoring the basis of this little tit for tat by throwing up a completely different argument


i completely agree that the ps2 was great for bringing in the casual as well as hardcore gamers ( i am going back and playing Dynasty Warriors 5 right now)

but that does not change the fact that the original argument was and still is the fact you said (and were proven incorrect) that Sony started the casual market and the wii/ nes is just building upon that


when you want to get back to the original argument and admit you were wrong I , and I am sure many others are ready for you to eat crow…..let me just add a dash of this, and a pinch of that…there its ready