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This is tangential to the topic, but I'm curious why we're still clinging to this artificial divide between "casual" and "Snobcore" gamers. When we can't even decide amongst ourselves whether a game is "casual" or "hardcore", why do we try so fervently to cull some gamers from "our" ranks by calling them "casual", or even "non-gamers." If you're playing games, then you're a gamer. Period. It doesn't matter whether you're into SRPGs or puzzle games.

So rather than saying "Sony created teh casualz first" or whatnot, why don't we all just acknowledge that Nintendo's strategies led to a lot of people playing games on their NESs, Sony's strategies had similar results for the Playstations, and now Nintendo's bringing in even more people with the DS and Wii. But for God's sake, people, let's move beyond this casual/hardcore bullshit the media's been forcing on us for the past two years.