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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is anyone else tired of waiting for the Wii's games to come out?

One word.


I conjecture (based on Nintendo's statement about not announcing games until they're about to be delivered) that he second half of this year will feature at least 6 major first-party games for Wii of which 2-3 will be Metroid Prime 3 or Mario Kart Wii level awesomeness.

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Well, with the boycotts (what's the use?), someone sure must be! There's been a stream of complaints from Wii owners the last few weeks, most regarding 3rd party support (which many of us have maintained will be mediocre or of low quality for a market leader, much to the chagrin of diehard Ninty fans).

I personally don't feel affected, I'm gonna get my hands on way too many good games on my PC this year, I won't have time to sleep!

PS: If you choose to own only one console, especially if its out of spite or some kind of brand loyalty, then I really don't feel sorry for you if you're unhappy with the games you're offered. And what's with the "We have too many good games to play, we don't even have time but we're unhappy with the support our console is getting." That is quite self-contradictory right there imo.
Stop being babies and buy a second console, its what I usually do, I don't think I've owned just one console in any generation so far.

I still have so many games to buy for the wii, so I'm not tired of waiting for upcoming games, plus there are also a ton of DS games I still need to buy.

Yeah, i am a bit tired. Although i should buy Okami, i am waiting for Super smash bros Brawl, since his European release is 27th of June. Next is Tales of Symphonia Dawn of a new world, which will be released this winter, I believe.
Those 2 game are the best, but Europe always comes last, except for Mario kart wii of course, so while all the Americans and Japanese are playing for months, Europe has to wait for the game to be translated into all those languages(but not it Dutch so i wait for an English version, which already excists in the US)!

There's a lot of good games out, there's still a lot a could buy if I wasn't waiting for price drops.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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"PS: If you choose to own only one console, especially if its out of spite or some kind of brand loyalty, then I really don't feel sorry for you if you're unhappy with the games you're offered. And what's with the "We have too many good games to play, we don't even have time but we're unhappy with the support our console is getting." That is quite self-contradictory right there imo.
Stop being babies and buy a second console, its what I usually do, I don't think I've owned just one console in any generation so far."

I agree with this 100%.

nope. I have plenty to do. In fact, if I had the 'extra' cash to spend I'd buy a few games that came our recently.

but, for now, MKWii and vc games are plentifull. Plus, i need to get the last stars from Luigi in Galaxy.

I sorta wish I only owned one console...because I could afford to buy more games for my Wii. The only use my 360 got was Bioshock.

Well, I borrowed and beat Halo 3 and CoD 4. But, yeah. My 360 hasn't been turned in in ages.

I can wait patiently

I have enough games for my DS to keep me entretained for a looooong time, so I'm ok with the wait

Mummelmann said:
Well, with the boycotts (what's the use?), someone sure must be! There's been a stream of complaints from Wii owners the last few weeks, most regarding 3rd party support (which many of us have maintained will be mediocre or of low quality for a market leader, much to the chagrin of diehard Ninty fans).

I personally don't feel affected, I'm gonna get my hands on way too many good games on my PC this year, I won't have time to sleep!

PS: If you choose to own only one console, especially if its out of spite or some kind of brand loyalty, then I really don't feel sorry for you if you're unhappy with the games you're offered. And what's with the "We have too many good games to play, we don't even have time but we're unhappy with the support our console is getting." That is quite self-contradictory right there imo.
Stop being babies and buy a second console, its what I usually do, I don't think I've owned just one console in any generation so far.

 I already have a 360 (2 actually, 2 brothers). The brother I spoke of earlier conceded that he'll wait for the Wii games to come out (like ToS 2) but in the meantime, we play 360. It's not like he doesn't like the Wii at all we play Smash a lot, but I think he wants some AA adventure games, hence why he wants Okami, and mentioned Shadows. 

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."