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Forums - General Discussion - Amazingly ridiculous post counts!

I have it around 26.....
one of the few who got it 20+

I'm not a power poster like wiiforever was....

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pichu_pichu said:
I have it around 26.....
one of the few who got it 20+

I'm not a power poster like wiiforever was....

 I forgot about him. Did he come back with the others?

sc94597 said:
pichu_pichu said:
I have it around 26.....
one of the few who got it 20+

I'm not a power poster like wiiforever was....

 I forgot about him. Did he come back with the others?

 I hope not, He tore up in every "above you" threads

soriku has the highest he is aproaching 15k

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

lolita said:
Strategyking92 said:
tedsteriscool said:
Dont worry Okey I'll behave just for you. Nice profile picture by the way. You had me fooled for a while. I thought you were actually a hot blonde lady :P

................on a videogame site?....................................... are you kidding me?

 Hi! :) Though my hair aren't blonde atm... It is my natural color and I AM hot. XD

@ Thread: It is rediculous! Makes me wonder when do these people actually PLAY games? They seem to spend all their time here. XD

 Lolita. Awesome as usual.

Around the Network
Username2324 said:
leo-j said:
Strategyking92 said:
you are making his ego bigger.... not a good thing.

Again I say this.. You dont know me.

On topic:

You know if I hadnt been banned 40 times(yes its been 40 times) I would have been ahead of soriku.

First, I think we all know you pretty well Joel, you are a emotionally unstable child who likes to post excessively here, and on other forums, I am not putting you down, but do you have any real friends?

Secondly, 40 posts a day and 10,000 post total is not something to be proud of, nor to brag about.


Thats not my name, and if you were to have seen my myspace you'd know alot more than you assume.



I joined the site around his first months and I posted around 11.6 post a day.

Some people really have no life, that's all.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Strategyking92 said:
lolita said:
Strategyking92 said:
tedsteriscool said:
Dont worry Okey I'll behave just for you. Nice profile picture by the way. You had me fooled for a while. I thought you were actually a hot blonde lady :P

................on a videogame site?....................................... are you kidding me?

Hi! :) Though my hair aren't blonde atm... It is my natural color and I AM hot. XD

@ Thread: It is rediculous! Makes me wonder when do these people actually PLAY games? They seem to spend all their time here. XD

But, for all I know, you could be a thirty year old man

And In the same case, I could be a 12-year-old chinese girl..... but i'm not... although I could be... you'll never know unless I know pics of my pimply self But I won't, in fear of what happend to that one vgc user... a youtube video was made of him! (the picture)

And also I don't have any pictures on my computer (of me)

And also, I need to bulk up. (I can only bench 235)

Lies, you are a 12 year old chinese girl.  You showed me a pic last night.  

@OP:  Way to go man.  I was just about to confess my undying love for Joel and you go and beat me to it.  Thanks.. 

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

lolita said:
Strategyking92 said:
tedsteriscool said:
Dont worry Okey I'll behave just for you. Nice profile picture by the way. You had me fooled for a while. I thought you were actually a hot blonde lady :P

................on a videogame site?....................................... are you kidding me?

Hi! :) Though my hair aren't blonde atm... It is my natural color and I AM hot. XD

@ Thread: It is rediculous! Makes me wonder when do these people actually PLAY games? They seem to spend all their time here. XD

 pics or its not true 


SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989