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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MGS4 = BEST Game this Gen - Impressions Thread- *(NO Spoilers)*


same here....I'm going slow....trying to find new places, playing it in different ways

in a weird way I JUST DON'T WANT IT TO END!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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iclim4 said:
makingmusic476 said:
Typo.  Meant 13 hours. 

MKII?  I kind've forgot about that little guy. >_>

At first I was going heavy on the machine gun, but for the last 1/3rd or so of Act 1 I was using tranqs or sticking people up.  Unless I found a mortar.  Those are really fun, hehe. 

And I am now installing for Act 2.  :P

boo, 23 would have been awesome. =P

MK 2 would be the tranq pistol... I think... >_<

I don't like sticking people up, it doesn't work sometimes and the game goes on alert mode.
I also still don't know how to cqc...

 Oh, I thought youwere referring to the Mk. II, Otocan's mini-metal gear.

Yeah, the hold up mechanism seems somewhat flawed.  I can't seem to stick people up when they are crouched.  It only works when they are either standing up or lying down. 

As for CQC, you have to have no weapons equipped for it to work. While unequipped, you just hit R1.  I always forget this, and think triangle does CQC when it doesn't. 

I just wish I could do CQC with a pistol or knife equipped like I could in MGS3.  Or at least I think I could.  It's been awhile, lol.


Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Domo-Kun said:
Well, let's not start patting ourselves on the back quite yet.

Superior hardware with one good exclusive does not make an absolute win. (Saturn anyone?)

True enough, but R&C and Resistance were "good exclusives."  (And Resistance was the second best launch title this gen.) 

*This* is MGS4.

 How could you forget Uncharted!!!! and Motortorm was good too


after you play MGS4 you will forget about Uncharted.....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

Anyone tried out MGO?? My onlines down so I couldn't.

 I was in the beta. I don't know if there are any changes between now and then, but MGO was okay. You have to get used to the gameplay being on the slow side (in terms of running speed and such, it's not COD4) and it's a good idea to find servers on your own rather than auto-match so that you can find the games with the best ping otherwise, you'd probably be playing with lag so that there's like a whole second delay on everything you do. 

Again, this was only from the beta and I have yet to try it out now that it's officially released.  

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MGO still has the problems that plagued the beta, the only difference is that they added more content. That's it.


iclim4 said:
SlumsofOhio said:
Just beat the game. The ending dragged on for a bit, but for the most part the game was impressive. I clocked in at or around 16 hours.

Oh wow, you marathoned it? O_O
How would you rate the game?
Also rate all 3 MGS' for comparison purposes(if you played them).
1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.
Thanks. ^_^

That explains a lot.
I thought you were actually playing nonstop.

MGS4 is a 9.5 in my book. The ending had quite a bit of useless scenes, and it would have been nice if they actually fixed MGO (Same as the beta, you still need the Konami ID and Game ID, not to mention that if someone else wanted to create another character, you have to purchase it, and it costs $6.99.)

And as for the series:

MGS1: 10

MGS2: 9

MGS3: 8

MGS4: 9.5



I have been through one of THE most intense shootouts & one of THE most beautiful mansions in gaming history.....about to meet Naomi

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Jessman said:

Yep, i am in love with this game, by far the best game of this generation so far, i even brought the Limited edition guide and DVD, they also gave me a limited edition picture, which i framed, here it is in the pic:

 You bought the MGS 4 guide? You better not use it.

They should of brought the guide out two to three weeks after the game was launched. It is terrible that some people will use the guide to walk through MGS 4. It spoils the game.

Guides are only needed for ultra hard RPG's.

wow i want it