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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA Sale UP!!! Terrible PS3 sales!!

kowenicki said:
anyone care to re-visit or re-think....?

Depends what MGS4 will do =p.


Around the Network
Oyvoyvoyv said:
dtewi said:
JSF said:
FishyJoe said:
JSF said:
FishyJoe said:
Still says in stock on their website.

"Cherry picking is used metaphorically to indicate the act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position."

I read that somewhere.

I don't see how, with the Walmart sale, PS3 sales data did not really change from last week. This site ought to investigate to make sure its data is accurate. That's all I'm saying.


LOL, you're the one that posted that article about California Walmart sales.

 Let's make this clear.  I made the claim that the PS3 was selling out at SF Bay Area and LA/OC Walmart locations.  I know it is sold out in SF Bay Area because my friends have been going all over the place looking for some.  The article supports my LA/OC claim because, in the article, they make random sample calls to various SoCal Walmarts.  That's called statistical sampling.  NOW, to call that cherrypicking is to say this site's methodology is cherrypicking.

 WHEREAS, in an attempt to refute my claims that the PS3 was selling out at various California hotspots, you reply to me saying it is still available online.  What the eff does that have anything to do with what's going on in these California locales?  You cherrypicked something out of left field to try to discredit my claim.

Do we understand each other? 


"The plural of anecdote is not data."

"Do not trust people with Kim Possible avatars"

I feel insulted. Do not compare that pathetic cancellation of a program to my non-cancelled masterpiece which isn't cancelled.


Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

FishyJoe said:
JSF said:
FishyJoe said:
JSF said:
FishyJoe said:
Still says in stock on their website.

"Cherry picking is used metaphorically to indicate the act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position."

I read that somewhere.

I don't see how, with the Walmart sale, PS3 sales data did not really change from last week. This site ought to investigate to make sure its data is accurate. That's all I'm saying.


LOL, you're the one that posted that article about California Walmart sales.

Let's make this clear. I made the claim that the PS3 was selling out at SF Bay Area and LA/OC Walmart locations. I know it is sold out in SF Bay Area because my friends have been going all over the place looking for some. The article supports my LA/OC claim because, in the article, they make random sample calls to various SoCal Walmarts. That's called statistical sampling. NOW, to call that cherrypicking is to say this site's methodology is cherrypicking.

WHEREAS, in an attempt to refute my claims that the PS3 was selling out at various California hotspots, you reply to me saying it is still available online. What the eff does that have anything to do with what's going on in these California locales? You cherrypicked something out of left field to try to discredit my claim.

Do we understand each other?


Where did I refute anything? I just said that you can still get the deal on their website.

All you are doing is presented a very limited data set anyways. IMO, the amount of data you are referencing is too small to draw any type of conclusion, at least on a national basis.

Once again, we can see your disconnect.  I never said anything about a "national basis", did I?  Go ahead and check.  I'll wait.


dtewi said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
dtewi said:
JSF said:
FishyJoe said:
JSF said:
FishyJoe said:
Still says in stock on their website.

"Cherry picking is used metaphorically to indicate the act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position."

I read that somewhere.

I don't see how, with the Walmart sale, PS3 sales data did not really change from last week. This site ought to investigate to make sure its data is accurate. That's all I'm saying.


LOL, you're the one that posted that article about California Walmart sales.

 Let's make this clear.  I made the claim that the PS3 was selling out at SF Bay Area and LA/OC Walmart locations.  I know it is sold out in SF Bay Area because my friends have been going all over the place looking for some.  The article supports my LA/OC claim because, in the article, they make random sample calls to various SoCal Walmarts.  That's called statistical sampling.  NOW, to call that cherrypicking is to say this site's methodology is cherrypicking.

 WHEREAS, in an attempt to refute my claims that the PS3 was selling out at various California hotspots, you reply to me saying it is still available online.  What the eff does that have anything to do with what's going on in these California locales?  You cherrypicked something out of left field to try to discredit my claim.

Do we understand each other? 


"The plural of anecdote is not data."

"Do not trust people with Kim Possible avatars"

I feel insulted. Do not compare that pathetic cancellation of a program to my non-cancelled masterpiece which isn't cancelled.


So what are you going to say? "I'm Boycotting life"? "I hope others follow my example"?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

if mgs4 actually doubles ps3 sales for lets say a month..
its still behind :P

Around the Network
Desroko said:
JSF said:
Desroko said:
JSF said:
FishyJoe said:
JSF said:
FishyJoe said:
Still says in stock on their website.

"Cherry picking is used metaphorically to indicate the act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position."

I read that somewhere.

I don't see how, with the Walmart sale, PS3 sales data did not really change from last week. This site ought to investigate to make sure its data is accurate. That's all I'm saying.


LOL, you're the one that posted that article about California Walmart sales.

 Let's make this clear.  I made the claim that the PS3 was selling out at SF Bay Area and LA/OC Walmart locations.  I know it is sold out in SF Bay Area because my friends have been going all over the place looking for some.  The article supports my LA/OC claim because, in the article, they make random sample calls to various SoCal Walmarts.  That's called statistical sampling.  NOW, to call that cherrypicking is to say this site's methodology is cherrypicking.

 WHEREAS, in an attempt to refute my claims that the PS3 was selling out at various California hotspots, you reply to me saying it is still available online.  What the eff does that have anything to do with what's going on in these California locales?  You cherrypicked something out of left field to try to discredit my claim.

Do we understand each other? 


Do you understand that it's just as relevant as an article on one or two markets? That is, not at all?

WHEREAS both have nil productive value, his post is no more or less  useful than yours.


 Do you understand that I only made claims for one or two markets?

His post was tangential garbage that had no bearing on what I said.  You guys who defend him are just as clueless.


And the high horse gets taller.

 While the clueless still don't have a clue and resort to ad hominem.


Oy, I have a headache.

Back on topic, PS3 sales in America are in the gutter this week. As Sony fanboys have been telling Wii fanboys for years, the reason behind these numbers doesn't matter. They happened. If they get better when MGS4 comes out, great. If not, then fanboy will be owned.

Because a lot of comparisons are being used here for less than honest means. When MH3 is announced for the Wii, PS3 fanboys say "MH only sales on the PSP."

However, when GTAIV moves few PS3 consoles in NA, it is suddenly not fair to compare those games.

We'll see if this game is a larger hardware mover than GTAIV. Odds are against it, and if it isn't, then many people will be severely dissapointed, because despite everyones movie like comeback hopes, to the untrained eye, differences in pre and post GTAIV PS3 figures are very slim.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


FishyJoe said:
Oy, I have a headache.

Don't worry - "give yourself a pat on the back"

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

FishyJoe said:
Oy, I have a headache.

I have a mental image of a hissing kitten with hair standing up along its back.