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Back on topic, PS3 sales in America are in the gutter this week. As Sony fanboys have been telling Wii fanboys for years, the reason behind these numbers doesn't matter. They happened. If they get better when MGS4 comes out, great. If not, then fanboy will be owned.

Because a lot of comparisons are being used here for less than honest means. When MH3 is announced for the Wii, PS3 fanboys say "MH only sales on the PSP."

However, when GTAIV moves few PS3 consoles in NA, it is suddenly not fair to compare those games.

We'll see if this game is a larger hardware mover than GTAIV. Odds are against it, and if it isn't, then many people will be severely dissapointed, because despite everyones movie like comeback hopes, to the untrained eye, differences in pre and post GTAIV PS3 figures are very slim.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.