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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Will the support of Sqaure-Enix have major impact on the 360userbase in JP?


wow.....the EU price drop was an epic failure

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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I think the continuous flow of RPGs will increase 360 sales but I serious doubt they will approach PS3 levels. I think that MS is trying to seriously shake the 360's shooter console image while weakening the PS3 at the same time.

Darc Requiem said:
I think the continuous flow of RPGs will increase 360 sales but I serious doubt they will approach PS3 levels. I think that MS is trying to seriously shake the 360's shooter console image while weakening the PS3 at the same time.

Yeah, in order to reach PS3 levels the Xbox 360 would have to sell about 6,000 more units per week in Japan.  You know, a tiny, tiny amount. 

I believe to a certian extent VGC numbers are off with others. As UK TV Sky gaming channel Pulse stated last week in the news that 360 from January to Beginning of June had sold 18% more than PS3 in the UK. And VGC numbers differ from that.

OT: Considering both PS3 and 360 are non existant in Japan, I think any Japanese HD type games will be welcome by them. Regardless of it being on 360 or PS3, so yes it will help close the gap on Sony in Japan for MS.

I'll go ahead and use Xbox fan logic here:

But the userbase in Japan is too small to recoup any development cost for these games. Expect a PS3 port for the exclusives, and simultaneous release for the multiplats.

On topic:

What is SE really thinking? 360 = 600k, PS3 = 2 million. Why? Look at LO and Blue Dragon. Blue Dragon flopped, and LO super flopped in Japan. I thought that SE was going to try and pay more attention to its' home audience, but I guess not......

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selnor said:
I believe to a certian extent VGC numbers are off with others. As UK TV Sky gaming channel Pulse stated last week in the news that 360 from January to Beginning of June had sold 18% more than PS3 in the UK. And VGC numbers differ from that.

OT: Considering both PS3 and 360 are non existant in Japan, I think any Japanese HD type games will be welcome by them. Regardless of it being on 360 or PS3, so yes it will help close the gap on Sony in Japan for MS.

 I  thought Chart track said differently, with the PS3 above the 360 for this year

Legend11 said:

I think it'll actually have more of an impact than some people think simply because there will be a steady stream of major RPG releases at the end of this year. This is different from before where there was a major release and then nothing for months to help keep or build momentum.

Tales of Vesperia
-Aug 2008

Infinite Undiscovery
-Sept 2008

Last Remnant
-Winter 2008

Fable 2
-Winter 2008

Mass Effect
-Winter 2008

Also on top of that is Star Ocean 4 being announced as coming for the Xbox 360 and being at least a timed exclusive for the system. That announcement could help make the system look even more attractive for people looking at the system this Fall/Winter.

I don't understand why no one else has noticed this. The 360 hasn't been able to keep a steady stream of good Japanese games yet. They've all been at least 6 months apart. If they can hit back to back it may cause sales to jump and stay at a higher level. 

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Munkeh111 said:
selnor said:
I believe to a certian extent VGC numbers are off with others. As UK TV Sky gaming channel Pulse stated last week in the news that 360 from January to Beginning of June had sold 18% more than PS3 in the UK. And VGC numbers differ from that.

OT: Considering both PS3 and 360 are non existant in Japan, I think any Japanese HD type games will be welcome by them. Regardless of it being on 360 or PS3, so yes it will help close the gap on Sony in Japan for MS.

I thought Chart track said differently, with the PS3 above the 360 for this year

 I think Others is so a wash with numbers. Pulse seemed pretty adamant and it is by far the best game channel Ive seen. It's like a proper 30 minute news bulletin for UK gamers. Being in the UK as well, Me and my friends all own a PS2 and was our major format last gen. Out of 13 of us only 2 own PS3's and all own 360's with 6 owning Wii's. So I'm inclined to believe Pulse. They use Chart Track if I'm not mistaken. Definately for their weekly games charts. 


kingofwale said:
Another "WTF" move by Microsoft. SO series, very niche outside of Japan, it might sell a few thousands more consoles for Microsoft, it will do absolutely nothing for it in Japan.

Could this money to buy time-exclusivity be better spent? Absolutely. European Market is still up for grab, why is M$ wasting so much money in Japan, a place that has clearly rejected xbox?

 Microsoft isn't doing this to help their business. They're doing it to hurt Sony. It's the business practice of Microsoft that I hate the most - instead of providing a better product, they do whatever they can to burn their competitor.

SE have clearly stated that they dont want to help sony to much this gen, and i think we are seeing it with the x360 support,
SE has said they wanted all three consoles to do well.