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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Looks like SO4 coming to 360 (almost confirmed)

My question is, is it set in the same universe if you like, as Star Ocean 3, just set much earlier? Because I don't remember anything about WWIII in the SO3 starting trailer when it had a similar style showing the list of dates. Anyway, this game does look amazing ignoring what console it is coming to

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LOL I don't care anymore

GTA 4 just arrived through the post!!!!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

DMeisterJ said:
I mean, seriously.

PS3 owners get Final Fantasy XIII. That will be the JRPG to beat this generation. And you get Versus XIII.

What's there to complain about?

This is worse than the Ubisoft Boycotters. Sheesh.

There are people out there who care more about Star Ocean than a Final Fantasy like... "ME". Showing compassion is hard these days, isn't it?! 

Plus its about principles and the damn laziness of Sony. 

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

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shams said:
Looks sweet, think I'd love a game like this - like a SE version of Mass Effect :)


So, should we start campaigning for a SINGLE, UNIFIED console after these three? I'd definitely be up for that - then we could bitch about games, rather than hardware :)

Ninty can do the controllers, Sony the hardware, MS the online + OS. Bring it on...
(hardware sold at cost, a single combined QA process, and manufacturing also at cost - or even better, "open" like DVDs).

Would be nice, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, it's never going to happen. Especially because Sony and MS have their own agendas which go beyond games.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

DOATS1 said:
shams said:
So... question for you all. Would anyone actually be *pissed off* if FFXIII came to the 360 (as WELL as the PS3) - even if the PS3 gets a 1-3 month exclusive period? Surely something like that would only make people happy, not angry?

(assuming the PS3 version is not gimped, maybe the 360 version is a "port")

...what about a Wii version as well as a PS3/360 version? Surely more money for SE is good, and lets them make more mega-games?

i think that every console needs at least one big game in each genre to be exclusive. racing, shooting, platform etc. if ps3 loses exclusive rights to final fantasy, then the ps3 has no big exclusive rpgs to boast about. it would nullify any reasons for japan users to buy a ps3 too.

i got a question too, if you were a developer, where do you think rpgs would make the most money out of the hd consoles? considering the install bases in each region. i personally think the ps3 would at the moment.

Well, I can tell you that as a developer:

  - I would steer as far away from the PS3 as possible (most expensive dev, least chance of breaking even - esp. with something"new")

 - Wii or DS would be "target" platforms, or both

 - if it needed to be HD, it would be 360. I would go talk to MS, and try to get some money from them to help with development.

 - the "bigger" the project, the more chance I would look at a PS3/360 cross-platform title. There is no way I would develop our own engine though, buy something off the shelf.


I think the demographics per region are not important anymore. If its designed to appeal to Western audiences, it will sell just as well in the US/Others as Japan.

PS3 games are just NOT selling well enough in Japan to consider an exclusive, PS3, Japan focused RPG. There is ZERO chance I would consider that. Games just have to be worldwide these days.

If I could do anything - from a business point of view, I would do a RPG that was "cool" (yet semi-kiddie) on the Wii - and aimed at an American audience. Once you nail that, you drag along most of Europe. Japan would almost be an afterthought. Alternatively, an exclusive 360 RPG "could" work - maybe leading to a x-platform title.

(depends on the IP, and a million other things - including whose money it was!) 


Gesta Non Verba

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NJ5 said:
shams said:
Looks sweet, think I'd love a game like this - like a SE version of Mass Effect :)


So, should we start campaigning for a SINGLE, UNIFIED console after these three? I'd definitely be up for that - then we could bitch about games, rather than hardware :)

Ninty can do the controllers, Sony the hardware, MS the online + OS. Bring it on...
(hardware sold at cost, a single combined QA process, and manufacturing also at cost - or even better, "open" like DVDs).

Would be nice, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, it's never going to happen. Especially because Sony and MS have their own agendas which go beyond games.


Well... it COULD happen, but it would be a painful process.

The biggest chance would be if EA/SquareEnix (maybe some other devs, such as Activision/Ubisoft/Konami/Capcom) team up with Nintendo on their next console - and go 100% exclusive. Basically control all the big content.

Then Sony would come to the party, and offer to do the hardware (at a cost) - which Ninty may refuse anyway. Same applies to MS - except I think they would be more willing to work with Nintendo.

The biggest problem is probably that Sony/MS make MOST of their money/revenue (or losses??) from hardware/licensing - rather than their own software. A shared console would kill their revenue base - there would need to be some profit sharing agreement. It *could* work, but its very, very unlikely. 


Anyway - been hogging this thread - nice chatting all :). Off to get some pizza & sleep from jetlag... 

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

shams said:

Well, I can tell you that as a developer:

  - I would steer as far away from the PS3 as possible (most expensive dev, least chance of breaking even - esp. with something"new")

 - Wii or DS would be "target" platforms, or both

 - if it needed to be HD, it would be 360. I would go talk to MS, and try to get some money from them to help with development.

 - the "bigger" the project, the more chance I would look at a PS3/360 cross-platform title. There is no way I would develop our own engine though, buy something off the shelf.


I think the demographics per region are not important anymore. If its designed to appeal to Western audiences, it will sell just as well in the US/Others as Japan.

PS3 games are just NOT selling well enough in Japan to consider an exclusive, PS3, Japan focused RPG. There is ZERO chance I would consider that. Games just have to be worldwide these days.

If I could do anything - from a business point of view, I would do a RPG that was "cool" (yet semi-kiddie) on the Wii - and aimed at an American audience. Once you nail that, you drag along most of Europe. Japan would almost be an afterthought. Alternatively, an exclusive 360 RPG "could" work - maybe leading to a x-platform title.

(depends on the IP, and a million other things - including whose money it was!) 


but the ps3 has install base of around 4:1 over the 360 in japan. even if it was more expensive to develop for, you would still make so much more money off the ps3. obviously development has gotten cheaper aswell. and when your main audience is only about 600k strong, how are you even going to make a profit in that region? 2 million vs 600k is a no brainer in my opinion, the developement costs are not THAT much more epensive on the ps3 to steer away from that audience.


DOATS1 said:
but the ps3 has install base of around 4:1 over the 360 in japan. even if it was more expensive to develop for, you would still make so much more money off the ps3. obviously development has gotten cheaper aswell. and when your main audience is only about 600k strong, how are you even going to make a profit in that region? 2 million vs 600k is a no brainer in my opinion, the developement costs are not THAT much more epensive on the ps3 to steer away from that audience.


This is the same thing that confuses me. Yes, sure the 360 might be big world wide but Japan it's nothing. PSP or DS would be the best options, then the Wii for exclusive. 360 and PS3 for multiplatform. PS3 on it's own would make more sense then 360 on it's own.

What is odd is that all recent Star Ocean games, new or remakes have appeared on a Sony system why not this one?

Only answer is M$ throwing money at things again.

Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:

This is the same thing that confuses me. Yes, sure the 360 might be big world wide but Japan it's nothing. PSP or DS would be the best options, then the Wii for exclusive. 360 and PS3 for multiplatform. PS3 on it's own would make more sense then 360 on it's own.

What is odd is that all recent Star Ocean games, new or remakes have appeared on a Sony system why not this one?

Only answer is M$ throwing money at things again.

i dont think it's just ms throwing money though, because they would have to throw a lot of money in se's direction to get that game away from a multiplatform release. i think it has more to to scej being a bunch of arrogant pricks. they don't seem to learn from their mistakes, and think that developers are still going to be knocking at their door because it's playstation. scej are the weakest link in this chain, and you're only as strong as your weakest link i guess. the whole of sce is suffering because of one dumbass division.


DMeisterJ said:
Oh em gee.

Why are Sony Fans having a meltdown?

Let's really look at the news that came down today: Last Remnant is coming to the 360 first, but still coming to the PS3. And Star Ocean 4 is coming to the 360. No date announced, no timed exclusivity announced or not, or anything like that.

So let's look at the actual news for today that changed.

Last Remnant is coming to PS3 later.

That's all the news is. But for some reason, people act like this is the death of the PS3 or something like that, chill the freak out.

If you really want JRPGs, then buy a 360, or really, a DS.

I will answer your question DMeisterJ. Its because they are whiney hyprocrites. Fanboy Sony posters go on about MS "stealing" from the Sony. You can't steal third party games. MS is doing the same thing to Sony that Sony did to Nintendo and Sega when the entered the market. Where were all the Sony fans crying about "stealing" then. I'll say it plain and simple. Either buy 360 or just shut up about the lack of RPGs on PS3. It mean the situation was somewhat understandable at first, it moved to being sad, and now its just pathetic. If you didn't complain when Sony's paid exclusives benefitted you then you need keep your mouth shut now. Sony Selective Memory Syndrome has reared its ugly head again. If they REALLY liked RPGs as much as they claimed they'd actually own a system that is getting some. 

P.S. Sorry for the angry rant, but just damn sick and tired of all the complaining by Sony fans.