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NJ5 said:
shams said:
Looks sweet, think I'd love a game like this - like a SE version of Mass Effect :)


So, should we start campaigning for a SINGLE, UNIFIED console after these three? I'd definitely be up for that - then we could bitch about games, rather than hardware :)

Ninty can do the controllers, Sony the hardware, MS the online + OS. Bring it on...
(hardware sold at cost, a single combined QA process, and manufacturing also at cost - or even better, "open" like DVDs).

Would be nice, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, it's never going to happen. Especially because Sony and MS have their own agendas which go beyond games.


Well... it COULD happen, but it would be a painful process.

The biggest chance would be if EA/SquareEnix (maybe some other devs, such as Activision/Ubisoft/Konami/Capcom) team up with Nintendo on their next console - and go 100% exclusive. Basically control all the big content.

Then Sony would come to the party, and offer to do the hardware (at a cost) - which Ninty may refuse anyway. Same applies to MS - except I think they would be more willing to work with Nintendo.

The biggest problem is probably that Sony/MS make MOST of their money/revenue (or losses??) from hardware/licensing - rather than their own software. A shared console would kill their revenue base - there would need to be some profit sharing agreement. It *could* work, but its very, very unlikely. 


Anyway - been hogging this thread - nice chatting all :). Off to get some pizza & sleep from jetlag... 

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