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DMeisterJ said:
Oh em gee.

Why are Sony Fans having a meltdown?

Let's really look at the news that came down today: Last Remnant is coming to the 360 first, but still coming to the PS3. And Star Ocean 4 is coming to the 360. No date announced, no timed exclusivity announced or not, or anything like that.

So let's look at the actual news for today that changed.

Last Remnant is coming to PS3 later.

That's all the news is. But for some reason, people act like this is the death of the PS3 or something like that, chill the freak out.

If you really want JRPGs, then buy a 360, or really, a DS.

I will answer your question DMeisterJ. Its because they are whiney hyprocrites. Fanboy Sony posters go on about MS "stealing" from the Sony. You can't steal third party games. MS is doing the same thing to Sony that Sony did to Nintendo and Sega when the entered the market. Where were all the Sony fans crying about "stealing" then. I'll say it plain and simple. Either buy 360 or just shut up about the lack of RPGs on PS3. It mean the situation was somewhat understandable at first, it moved to being sad, and now its just pathetic. If you didn't complain when Sony's paid exclusives benefitted you then you need keep your mouth shut now. Sony Selective Memory Syndrome has reared its ugly head again. If they REALLY liked RPGs as much as they claimed they'd actually own a system that is getting some. 

P.S. Sorry for the angry rant, but just damn sick and tired of all the complaining by Sony fans.