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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo GameCube > Wii

Fernando said:

Too much money. lol. I am poor.


Time to save up for a better graphics card and a new motherboard in five to eight years! PC FTW!


I guess I am just too old-school for today's casual gamer market


You are 17

Let me guess: Your first console was the PS1 and you think that Final Fantasy VII is the best FF, right? You are the stereotype of the new gamer.

But but... Aeris dies. :(

Seriously, this kid's probably never even touched an NES controller. 

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



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narfwack said:
Every new iteration (by Nintendo) is better than the last in many gamers eyes. On top of that, third parties are finally catching up. As much as I loved my GC, a lot of the ways Nintendo tried to take some of the franchises confused me. I hated Sunshine and never really got into WW.

I'm the envy of all my friends with my Wii. They all have 360's and always want to come over and play MK instead. The exact opposite would've been said last gen.

I am the envy of all with my PS3 360 and Wii. When I have a gamer party I get COD4 4 player splitscreen on my PS3

8 player Halo3 split screen on my and my son's 360, and 4 player Brawl on another tv and to tell the truth the 20 plus kids that come over are stoked to play all three systems! Maybe mario kart will bump SSBB but I doubt it!

My 13 year old is bored with those games and he's back playing pikmon still looking to pick up another copy of pikmon2.

RolStoppable said:
noname2200 said:
Does anyone know where I can get my sarcasm meter fixed? 'Cause it's not beeping on this thread, but...

I know what you mean. Something is missing here, it just doesn't feel right.

 I was originally going to ask if you had an alternate account or something, but I guess this rules that possibility out (or does it...?) Looks like the simpler answer is the correct one, then.

 @ Fernando: I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that his first console was the SNES. I don't know why I'm thinking that, but that's my subliminal impression.

Desroko said:
Diomedes, I think hear the PS3 being undertracked somewhere. Go investigate.

No need to read the thread any longer people...this is the highlight right here

I didnt get a Wii to go back to NES I'am going blind and need much better graphics!

Also I played and rolled pong does that make me old school how about rolling over robotron 2084 in the arcade which by the way was better then any game ever back in the day! 1 quarter 5 hours later I got to Pee!

I see your point his old school blast being so young butjust cause you can quote every game on the nes dosent make you cool it makes you a nerd!

Like me a old nerd to be exact. oh strike that my daughter said Iam a geek much better then a nerd????

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dtewi said:
First, Ninty did not make SSBB, a second party did. Next, most of the points from 1-12 are utter bullcrap since it keeps the Wii an affordable, playable system. Also, your Wii is a heaping pile of crap for having so many faults. Sell it on eBay and get a new one.


No dude. All Wii's plastic casing feels like crap. It feels so cheap! Because it is. Fuck Consoles.




I win my own thread.


Fuck Wii, fuck 360, fuck PS3.

Go PC.

Garcian Smith said:
Fernando said:

Too much money. lol. I am poor.


Time to save up for a better graphics card and a new motherboard in five to eight years! PC FTW!


I guess I am just too old-school for today's casual gamer market


You are 17

Let me guess: Your first console was the PS1 and you think that Final Fantasy VII is the best FF, right? You are the stereotype of the new gamer.

But but... Aeris dies. :(

Seriously, this kid's probably never even touched an NES controller. 


Fuck you. Piss on the PlayStation 1. I hate Final Fantasy VII.


Try SNES bitch. And yes, I have touched the old NES pad. Just like I have played the Nintendo Entertainment System. I am not Soriku you dumbass.

Snesboy said:



Well, after putting up with the bullshit known as Wii for the past year and a half or so, I finally decided to call it quits and go back to the Nintendo GameCube.


Let's see how I got to this point.


Back in 2005, I was completely stoked about the Revolution that was until, the controller was revealed. Then I found out it was motion-sensitive and I am like SAH-WEET!!! So a few more months passed and the first Revolution screens were shown of "Red Steel". I am all like "DAMN! I WANT THIS NOW!!" So wait a couple of weeks and then Nintendo unveils the official name: Wii. I was like "What the f*** are they thinking??!!"

Now this is around the time E3 2006 rolls around and Nintendo blows open the doors of everything Wii related. Super Mario Galaxy. Metroid Prime 3. Zelda: Twilight Princess. Disaster. Wii Sports. Project HAMMER. Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The list goes on. My reaction was: "There is no way Nintendo is going to lose next console war."

Unfortunately, I was right. Why? The Wii has just become a breeding ground for crap. AND DON'T BLAME UBISOFT YOU HATERS!!!! I blame Nintendo for the amount of crap they have let flood onto their system.

Then I got the Wii that fall and I was like "This is effing sweet!" I played countless matches of Wii Sports Bowling. Then I didn't get any games for the longest time. Why? There weren't any good games. Sure there was SMG and MP3:C but those came out months after launch. SSBB was a disappointment especially how they nerfed all the characters and all that and made DeDeDe godly. Which is bullshit.

Wat? I stopped reading after that. DeDeDe is hardly godly. He can be pretty good in a 4 person free for all, or perhaps 2v2, but the extreme lag on his attacks makes him incredibly hard to use 1v1. It takes a tremendous amount of finesse, timing, and strategy to be able to use him half way decent in a 1v1 against anyone remotely skilled. I love DeDeDe, one of my fav characters but I certainly wouldn't describe him as godly, not even close to it. He is kinda in the bowser class of being cool and fun, but rather useless against people that are highly skilled at the game.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Snesboy said:
Garcian Smith said:
Fernando said:

Too much money. lol. I am poor.


Time to save up for a better graphics card and a new motherboard in five to eight years! PC FTW!


I guess I am just too old-school for today's casual gamer market


You are 17

Let me guess: Your first console was the PS1 and you think that Final Fantasy VII is the best FF, right? You are the stereotype of the new gamer.

But but... Aeris dies. :(

Seriously, this kid's probably never even touched an NES controller. 


Fuck you. Piss on the PlayStation 1. I hate Final Fantasy VII.


Try SNES bitch. And yes, I have touched the old NES pad. Just like I have played the Nintendo Entertainment System. I am not Soriku you dumbass.

 I recommend you stop now. It isn't wise to insult many people in one post.  You most likely will be banned, but for how long is determined if you stop now or keep going. 

Garcian Smith said:
Snesboy said:


1) Virtual Console: Where the hell is GoldenEye 007? Where is Majora's Mask? Where is Road Rash 64? WHERE THE HELL ARE THE N64 GAMES IN GENERAL?!?! COME ON!!

2) USB 2.0 ports: They are there why the hell can't I save files onto a USB Memory Stick? Why can't I print pictures off of the Photo Channel? Why are they even there to begin with?!?

3) Photo Channel: Why can't QuickTime movies play in that p.o.s Photo Channel even though it says they can play? Why can't I play .mp3 files like I used to be able to?

4) Ethernet Port: WHY ISN'T THERE ONE ON HERE?!

5) Why can't I save Wii files to a GameCube memory card?

6) Why aren't all my GameCube accessories compatible with the Wii?

7) Why is the system made of cheap-as-a-whore plastic?

8) Why can't games load more quickly? It is the successor to the 'Cube after all

9) Why isn't there any voice chat?

10) Why are the controllers way over-priced?

11) Where the hell are the good games? What happened to Disaster? And Project HAMMER? And Pikmin 3?

12) Since when does "Third Party Support" equate to "Shovelware"?

1) The rights to Goldeneye are owned by Rare, who are in turn owned by Microsoft. As for the rest, so a few games that you like aren't up there yet. Boo hoo, cry more.

2) Specialized gaming device doesn't support all of the peripherals that a personal computer does. News at 11, followed by lengthy round-table discussion of this late-breaking scandal.

3) Um, QuickTime (.mov) and mp3 files DO play. You must just be such a horrible failure that they don't just for you.

4) There's no Ethernet port because this is 2008 and everyone uses wifi.

5) Because GameCube and Wii games use different file formats.

6) Because Nintendo couldn't be bothered to reconfigure the entire system just for a handful of dorks who want to use their Game Boy Player.

7) So what, you're clubbing your Wii with a hammer now? Who the hell cares?

8) Yes, how dare Nintendo deprive me of an extra three seconds of my life while I wait for my games to load. NINTENDO IS SCREWING US AGAIN!!

9) Because nobody likes to listen to whiny twelve year olds spout off curses while playing a nice game of Dr. Mario.

10) Durr... maybe because the motion sensing and IR doohickeys aren't free?

11) Disaster is coming. Project HAMMER was canceled. Pikmin 3 was never even announced. In the meantime, the Wii has arguably the best third-party support of any of the three consoles and Nintendo's awesome first-party games. What more do you want?

12) Since when are No More Heroes, Boom Blox, RE4 Wii, Okami Wii, Zack & Wiki, PES 08 Wii, GH3, Bully, Trauma Center 1 & 2, RE:UC, FFCC WiiWare, LostWinds, and Geometry Wars, just to name a handful, "shovelware"? And those are just released games.


I can't believe I wasted so much time replying to this crap. 


RE4 Wii, Okami Wii, GH3, Bully, Trauma Center 1, and Geometry Wars = Ports or sequels. PES 08. A sports game? fuck that.

I have tried playind .mov files and they don't fucking work! They don't! Miyamoto said that "Revolution's interface is well-suited to Pikmin" that was in 2005. I'll bet he's been to busy "designing" crap like Wii Fit.


And dude, the Wii's plastic is a joke. I touch the thing and feel like I am going to break the fucking thing.