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Forums - General Discussion - On average, how much do you exercise daily?

=p Sorry bro I couldn't resist....I have did somehow the same job when I was like 14-16 as SSJ12 did;...It is not that heavy kind of job but that depends of the products of course...Filling up the beer was quite heavy..

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Foshoryuken said:
nextgreatchamp said:
about 2 hours a day. about one hour and a half playing basketball and the rest of the time i lift weights. i try and eat right too.

Foshoryuken: whats your workout consist of?

About the same as yours. Basketball. Dribbling drills. Sprints, forwards and backwards. Push ups and crunches.

I'm 6'1'' 162 lbs and can easily dunk


God damn im sexy.


i dont do any drills though. i like to work on my handles but mainly i just go to the nearest park and play a pick up game. i jump rope like crazy, and i also like to do push-ups, crunches, and bicep curls.


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nextgreatchamp said:
Foshoryuken said:
nextgreatchamp said:
about 2 hours a day. about one hour and a half playing basketball and the rest of the time i lift weights. i try and eat right too.

Foshoryuken: whats your workout consist of?

About the same as yours. Basketball. Dribbling drills. Sprints, forwards and backwards. Push ups and crunches.

I'm 6'1'' 162 lbs and can easily dunk


God damn im sexy.


i dont do any drills though. i like to work on my handles but mainly i just go to the nearest park and play a pick up game. i jump rope like crazy, and i also like to do push-ups, crunches, and bicep curls.

Nice. Yeah, if you want to get down with the hops I suggest alot of core work. It does wonders.

Just a suggestion. 

does playing wii sports count as exercise?

well not counting work,i jog,run for about 1 hour

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Foshoryuken said:
ssj12 said:
Foshoryuken said:
ssj12 said:
i work in the Dairy Department in Wal*Mart, I get enough exercise moving everything... you people have no idea how heavy 30 gallons of milk is until you move it.

Your kidding right? That isn't exercise!

By the way, aren't you dragging around that pallet with a hand lift? It can't be that hard bro. Unless you got a crappy pallet jacker. Ahh I remember those days when I was 15.

Nope,either drag it with a bent metal bar with one bend side through the bottom crate or lifting up to 3 crates at once. or boxes of juice or eggs or tea or cheese or butter or other crap.

I doubt that bro. I used to work at walmart(cashier) when I was 15-16 and I would watch the milk boys stack their shit.. It was nothing like that.

forgot to mention the guy was somewhat mentally challenged. It was considered the "easy" job.

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Foshoryuken said:
nextgreatchamp said:
Foshoryuken said:
nextgreatchamp said:
about 2 hours a day. about one hour and a half playing basketball and the rest of the time i lift weights. i try and eat right too.

Foshoryuken: whats your workout consist of?

About the same as yours. Basketball. Dribbling drills. Sprints, forwards and backwards. Push ups and crunches.

I'm 6'1'' 162 lbs and can easily dunk


God damn im sexy.


i dont do any drills though. i like to work on my handles but mainly i just go to the nearest park and play a pick up game. i jump rope like crazy, and i also like to do push-ups, crunches, and bicep curls.

Nice. Yeah, if you want to get down with the hops I suggest alot of core work. It does wonders.

Just a suggestion. 

sadly i dont think i'll be dunking anytime soon as i am only 5' 6" :( lol, but i do have more ups than most people my height. i would suggest doing jump rope if you want to work on your endurance, agility, and your core. i read somewhere that you can burn 1000 calories in an hour and that it was like 3xs more effective than jogging.


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Well since it is summer vacation for me I have not been to the gym in a few weeks. Tomorrow I will change that though. On average it really comes to like 45 mins a day because I work out 3 days usually and I play tennis or some other sport when I can.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

1hour 30min, every morning before work.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

about an hour a day, but now that its summer time I can exercise more...