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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft to turn Blu Monday?

Microsoft to jump on the Bluray bandwagon after paying Paramount $100 million to only release their movies on HD-DVD...

So they fucked up the Bluray market toa certain degree, and now they are trying to cash in on it!

God i hate microsoft

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

You Sony-fanboys actually believe in this rumour? Well, of course you wish it would happen, because it would make Sony look like winners putting Blue-ray in the PS3 and make MS look like copy-cats.

But Blue-ray at this point in time is youthless in a console. There aren't even enuff movies released. MS knows this.

An add-on Blue-ray player for the niche market that want to purchase the few blockbuster movies I can understand, but not built in into an X360.

colonelstubbs said:
Microsoft to jump on the Bluray bandwagon after paying Paramount $100 million to only release their movies on HD-DVD...

So they fucked up the Bluray market toa certain degree, and now they are trying to cash in on it!

God i hate microsoft

Every fucking business out there uses tactics like this. Look at whoever it is that has the iPhone. They paid for that privelege. God I hate blah, blah, blah. Hate something worth hating. Thats like saying Sony should not have released any VHS tapes because they lost that format war. Toshiba knows they lost, and it makes sound business sense to move on and make money.  Microsoft is in the business of making money, not sitting around sulking because their investment did not pay off.

I don't know what Blue-ray is and why it is youthless, care to explain?

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As others as said, an add-on makes sense, but adding it to the systems itself does not.

Game developers have to support the lowest common denominator anyway, and I'm sure retailers would not be happy with having to stock multiple formats of 360 games.

i personally think this is bull. adding a blu-ray drive to the console and then selling it cheaper than the elite will surely put them into the red. an add-on is so much more possible, and even then it wouldn't make much sense considering the direction that they themselves stated they were heading, and the result of their last add-on.

i would be completely surprised if this holds up. but i'll be trading in my premium if it's true, for sure.

This is stupid and wouldn't upstage shit. Bill Gates has a better chance at upstaging Apple by lighting his farts on fire. If MS wants to shake stuff up, receive some press and increase 360 sales, then cut every SKU by $100. It'd probably be cheaper than introducing a costly, and destined to fail, BR model.

It's just that microsoft has this theory that they need to compete with every bullet point. They don't have a HD format now, so I wouldn't put past them to do something like this just to claim that bullet point back.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Digital downloads are the future, we will never go blu-ray!

We are proud to announce blu-ray for the 360!